Author: Looker for Truth
There Are No “Smart” Jews
(This article was posted in June, 2019.) Every day, the Jews are portrayed in public as intelligent and successful, but are they really? Many problems would have been solved if this were the case. On the contrary, Jews are very unintelligent. Jews have not contributed one singular idea to the people. Instead, they plagiarize others’…
Louis Agassiz – a “Racist”?
(This article was originally written in May, 2021.) I was watching a video as part of schoolwork, and the person in the video was using a map to show the distribution of accidents in some section of the state of Massachusetts. It was not an entertaining or interesting video, not by any means, my only…
The Jews Behind Harry Potter
Harry Potter is Jewish propaganda. Like all propaganda, the ideas contained in Joanne Rowling’s “Harry Potter” world are deliberately spread and promoted to help an organization’s, or group’s – in this case, like in most cases in which propaganda is used, the Jews’ – plans for the domination as well as exploitation of the masses.…