Author: Looker for Truth
Jewish Propaganda – Sheila Faith Weiss and Fritz Lenz, Augusta Fox Bronner, Feeble-Mindedness and Delinquency, and Reginald Ruggles Gates
(This article was originally written in January, 2022.) 1) The Jewish historian Sheila Faith Weiss, in her article “Race and Class in Fritz Lenz’s Eugenics” (Medizinhistorisches Journal, vol. 27, 1992) makes the false claim that in the view of the German geneticist Fritz Lenz, the Negroes occupied a position in advancement and racial tendencies mostly…
Jewish Propaganda – Fritz Lenz, Dictionaries and Ableism, and Antisemitic America
(This article was originally written in August, 2021.) 1) Kenneth Ludmerer The Jewish physician Kenneth Ludmerer, in his book Genetics and American Society (1972) asserts that the German geneticist Fritz Lenz was “an outright anti-Semite”. To any honest student who has studied Lenz’s main work, Human Heredity, in which the Jewish psyche is studied in…
Jewish Propaganda – Eugen Fischer, Arleen Tuchman, Boas, “Aryans”, and Edward Drinker Cope
(This article was originally written in November, 2020.) Today, I am starting a new series of compilations concerning recently noted or newly found instances of Jewish propaganda. Since the frequency with which I come across such occurrences will make it very difficult for me to record them all, an attempt will be made here to…
Jewish Propaganda – Erwin Baur, William Shockley and IQ, and the Oxford Family Encyclopedia
(This article was originally written on February 13, 2021.) Erwin Baur 1) Erwin Baur was the leading German geneticist from the 1910s to his rather early death in 1933, at the age of 58. In 1921, Baur, together with Eugen Fischer and Fritz Lenz, published a textbook titled Menschliche Erblichkeitslehre und Rassenhygiene, which became a…
Jewish Propaganda – English Physics, Robert Chambers, Norman Haire, the Rehoboth Bastards, “Caucasians”, and Amazon
(This article was originally written in January, 2021.) Philipp Lenard 1) On the German physicist Philipp Lenard’s Wikipedia article, the Jews make the wild claim that “Lenard is remembered today as a strong German nationalist who despised ‘English physics’, which he considered to have stolen its ideas from Germany.” I believe a simple statistical analysis…
Jewish Propaganda – Race and People, Scientific Racism, Madison Grant, Mental Illness and Genius, Applied Science, Gender Pronouns, and Media Morality
(This article was originally written in May, 2021.) 1) Popular historian Stefan Ihrig (of Jewish descent) in the book Justifying Genocide: Germany and the Armenians From Bismarck to Hitler (2016) mentions the physical and mental connections noted by anthropologists between the Jews and the Armenians and other Near Eastern peoples. In his book, Ihrig cites…