Category: Eugenics
Self-Studying on the Internet
(This article was originally written in October 2019.) You may have noticed that I haven’t posted much to this blog for a while. You might be curious why. Well, this is partly because no ideas for posts have come to mind that I haven’t already discussed in previous articles. I have been spending much time…
Jewish Propaganda – Sheila Faith Weiss and Fritz Lenz, Augusta Fox Bronner, Feeble-Mindedness and Delinquency, and Reginald Ruggles Gates
(This article was originally written in January, 2022.) 1) The Jewish historian Sheila Faith Weiss, in her article “Race and Class in Fritz Lenz’s Eugenics” (Medizinhistorisches Journal, vol. 27, 1992) makes the false claim that in the view of the German geneticist Fritz Lenz, the Negroes occupied a position in advancement and racial tendencies mostly…