Category: Race
Who Is a Jew? – Anton Chekhov and Vladimir Nabokov
Anton Chekhov in 1882 The writer Anton Chekhov’s eyes in his younger years strike me as eyes which one often observes in Jewish females, besides the shape of the face, which is likewise difficult to describe (the lower half of the face, the mandible and the cheekbones in particular). In later years of his life…
Louis Agassiz – a “Racist”?
(This article was originally written in May, 2021.) I was watching a video as part of schoolwork, and the person in the video was using a map to show the distribution of accidents in some section of the state of Massachusetts. It was not an entertaining or interesting video, not by any means, my only…
Some Reflections – Race and Ethnicity, Huguenots, Jewish Spies and Censorship, and the State of California
1) As Jews dominate the Internet, and as they claim to abhor “racism”, why is it that it is easy to find hundreds, or even thousands of posts targeting or disparaging people of a particular nationality or ethnic group on Google, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, and countless other websites? Although it is true that…