How to Recognize a Jew

All Delinquents, Defectives, and Degenerates are either Jews or open supporters of the Jews, many of them being secret Jews.

The first part of this article describes mainly the physical traits of the Jews. Few of these physical traits can be called exclusively, or almost exclusively “Jewish”; therefore, the author makes no greater claim than only to attempt to describe the physical traits at least as much as they are commonly noticed among the Jews.

One with long familiarity with Jews – not excluding, of course, the countless secret Jews living among non-Jews – will eventually develop what may be called a “sixth sense” as fundamental as the other senses: that of recognizing Jews, the ability to instinctively distinguish them from non-Jews. As with other fundamental and instinctive things, the traits that arouse and alert the senses are very difficult to describe. It will be suggested throughout the article that many of the physical characteristics, at least, will be found to differ to a great degree among the Jews; notwithstanding these differences, a common “spirit” or other unknown “link” extending far beyond that of a cultural or religious influence may be said to exist in every one of these Jews, that is unique only to the Jews and which is highly difficult if not impossible to express in words or beyond the realm of personal contact with this race. The writer of this article makes an attempt to describe the traits common to many Jews as far as they can be described in words, but experience and physical proximity will probably be necessary to become familiar with them in the truest meaning.

There are many non-Jews who have some of these features and one must always put everything together before making a judgment, including name and character. The name is usually only a clue, as the Jew is apt to change his name to counterfeit the resident flock; Jews in North America, Australia, and England, for example – especially Jews in roles such as marketing and finance, politics, pornography, etc. – often have surnames such as Smith, Thomas, Williams, Lewis, Taylor, Miller, Johnson, Jones, Adams, and so on.

The most overlooked physical trait is the widow’s peak as seen below.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is paul-ryan.jpgPaul Ryan, Jewish politician

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is arthur-miller.jpgArthur Miller, Jewish playwright and author

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is marilyn-monroe.jpgNorma Jeane Mortenson (Marilyn Monroe), Jewish actor, fashion model, and singer

On TV, movies, and magazines all of the supposed “blonde Whites” viewers see are Jews, with most of them mongrelized with Northern European blood in order to further disguise the Jewish cross-breed ancestry.

Grace Kelly, Jewish actor (Catholic religion)

The specimen above has had the classically “Jewish” features much diluted through admixture with humans (as well as through cosmetics, photo manipulation, concealment of real pedigree, and other methods), as is usually the case in Jews in prominent and influential positions. In such cases, the profession and influence (whether political, economic, social, “intellectual”, moral, or all of these!) of the figure is often a very important clue, perhaps even decisive in making a Jewish diagnosis (for more points on this, see below). Humans/non-Jews don’t get attention from the Jewish media.

A glance by the casual observer reveals men and women of widely differing physical appearance among the Jews. There are Jews with hooked noses and Jews with upturned noses; Jews with wide faces and Jews with narrow faces; Jews with blue eyes and Jews with brown eyes; blonde Jews and black-haired Jews. For this reason, the Jews cannot be called a “race”, at least in the classic anthropological sense. Rather, Jewry is, physically, a racial mixture – a mixture which expresses itself in the outwardly great variations in appearance found among the Jews, which point to a diverse combination of racial stocks – yet which nevertheless produces at all times a distinct mental and spiritual picture.

Wherever the Jew went, he mixed and mingled his blood with that of his host; but the Jewish spiritual “kernel” has never changed as a result of this intermixing.

So, when speaking of the Jewish Problem, physical appearance is never the main concern. Speaking objectively, the Jew differs in appearance to such a great extent, that the narrowest and most selective physical standards are capable of being fulfilled by at least some members of the Jewish race. One might assume that such great variations in physical characteristics as exist among the Jews must correspond to an equally broad divergence in the much more substantial mental and behavioral qualities. This is far from the case. It is the repellant mentality we find in all Jews, the historically interminable and morally repugnant behavior, (which are just as much due to the inborn constitution as the physical and morphological expression, if not very likely more so) which always has caused the sensible people in every land to harbor a strong dislike if not loathing towards them.

Jewry best can be described as a demonic “counter-race”, which is opposed to order or social stability of any kind.

The primary races that constitute the racial make-up of the Jews are the Araboid, Hamitoid, Armenoid, and Negroid races, in addition to the various European races (with the so-called Mediterranean and Nordic races predominating). Among the Ashkenazim in particular, a strain of the Mongoloid, as well as the European East-Baltic and Alpine races is also discernible.

The proportions of the mixtures of the formerly mentioned races differ significantly between the two main branches of Jewry, the Ashkenazim and the Sephardim. (The marked physical differences that occur between the two branches can be explained by their historical separation, and the subsequent intermixture with the various peoples among whom they have dwelled, which will not be discussed in this article.) The physical qualities that distinguish the so-called Armenoid race appear to be predominant among the Ashkenazim, followed by the Araboid, East-Baltic, Mediterranean, Nordic, Mongoloid, Alpine, Negroid, and Hamitoid races (roughly in that order); while among the Sephardim, the physical features distinguishing the Araboid race are to some degree preponderant, followed by the Armenoid, Mediterranean, Negroid, Hamitoid, and Nordic. Thus we see that Mongoloid, East-Baltic, and Alpine physical characteristics appear relatively much less frequently among the Sephardim, and that the Ashkenazim present a greater variation in appearance compared to the Sephardim. Any differences, however, between Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews are mainly physical and superficial in basis; between all Jews, the spiritual “kernel” of Jewishness can be said to be distinct and the same.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is marissa-mayer-larry-page.pngMarissa Mayer of Yahoo and Larry Page of Google, Jewish business executives

Do not let the blonde hair fool you. There are many blonde and even red-haired Jews, especially among Jews in Northwestern Europe, who often have a preponderance of Northern European blood. In a majority of cases, the trained eye can tell a Jew from other physical traits.

See also this post: Jewish Subverters of Technology.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is marissa-mayer-zachary-brogue.jpgMarissa Mayer and Zachary Brogue

The hair of the Jews is usually curly. This comes from the Negro blood, which most Jews have. Mayer’s husband, Zachary Brogue, who is shown above, is a classic curly-haired, low-forehead Jew.

Jewish hair is usually black or dark brown; however, blonde hair is not at all a rare occurrence, especially among the children. Reddish hair, believed to be the result of certain racial mixtures, is also rather common.

In regards to physical features, at least, disharmonics generally are the key to recognition, such as curly-haired blond Jews with too-wide mouths, or many of their hooked noses flanked by slanting blue eyes.

Regardless of physical appearance, a person with a sharp mind can always distinguish a Jew from a non-Jew from his mentality and his behavior. The Jewish demonic mentality, his spirit, and his psychological portrait, are far more rigidly established than is his outward appearance, which can vary to a wide degree between the individual Jew.

It is important to keep in mind that the majority of Jews do not end up with a partner with Jewish blood, but rather choose non-Jews, especially Europeans as spouses with whom to reproduce. Owing especially to mixed marriages between Jews and Northern European peoples, the Jews appear to have acquired a good deal more of Nordic blood within the last few centuries. Nevertheless, in all cases of mixed marriages between Jews and non-Jews and the progeny that result from such unions, the Jewish spirit always dominates, even though physical appearance may suggest otherwise. For example, someone with just one Jewish great-great-grandparent is still at heart a Jew, and retains the Jewish mentality and spirit indelibly accorded him by the forever accursed Jewish taint handed onto him by his ancestors.

This lack of a singular physical type among the Jews, yet their power of remaining psychologically and spiritually distinct from all peoples, is perhaps their own greatest strength. Though a Jew may indeed possess most of the physical characteristics of his host race, and the host may superficially accept the Jew as one of his own, the Jewish spirit remains always foreign, distinct, and unchanged wherever he lives. It is through this phenomenon that the masses, superficial as they are, are so easily fooled – because they do not and cannot see beyond the mere semblance, the exterior.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is karl-marx.jpgKarl Marx, Jewish political theorist, economist, revolutionist, and author

Body and facial hair are strong among Jewish males, as can be seen in Marx above. (Besides Jews, of course, this characteristic applies to many other ethnicities as well. Due to shaving this trait is also more easily obscured and thus is of rather minor importance.) The eyebrows are often especially thick and sometimes meet above the root of the nose.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is ryan-gosling.jpgRyan Gosling, Jewish actor

The subject above is heavily mixed with Northern European blood; however, the classic Jewish appearance remains unmistakable in this early photograph of the specimen. As with many Jews, there is something that looks “off” in his appearance.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is gene-wilder.jpgGene Wilder, Jewish actor

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is brian-levin.jpgBrian Levin, Jewish lawyer

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is benedict-spinoza.jpgBenedito de Espinoza, Jewish author. (Born in Holland; ancestors from Portugal.) Those who have studied the names of Jews, including the names of the African slave traders, know that many Jews have Spanish and Italian names, and that many Spaniards, Portuguese, South Italians, Maltese, and modern Greeks look like Jews. The Jews – mostly Sephardic Maranos – possessed the slave trade, not Europeans.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is angelo-buono.jpgAngelo Buono, Jewish criminal

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is al-capone.jpgAl Capone, Jewish criminal

Italy was a Jewish haven after Spain and Portugal expelled many clerical Jews in 1492. For thousands of years, Jews have lived in Southern Europe, and members of the Italian Mafia are the descendants of Jews and slaves from the Mediterranean.

As part of the Spanish Inquisition, the king and queen of Spain, Ferdinand and Isabella, signed an edict which left most Jews with three choices: To leave, convert, or execution. Sicily belonged to Spain, and it was governed by Viceroy Don Ferdinand de Acugna; thus, Jews living in Sicily were also affected by this edict. The Jews had interbred with the Spanish Gothic gentry and had introduced their religion as Christianity before 1492. The Gothic nobility of Spain was innocent of the knowledge that a Jew can be an atheist or be of any religion and still be considered a Jew, and that Jews had already infested the slave trade, crime organizations, the monetary system, and the lawmaking bodies.

While many Jews stayed in Spain and Portugal and converted to Catholicism (if yet only in a specious way), partly through the help of the Grand Inquisitor, who was a Catholic Jew of the name Tomás de Torquemada, the fleeing Jews went to various places – among them Italy and Holland (indeed, many of the “Dutch” ambassadors, politicians, traders, settlers, and colonizers of South Africa, North America, and other lands were really Jewish, and it is likely no coincidence that some of the most “European-passing” Jews are today inhabitants of the Netherlands; “Dutch imperialism” was not “European” in the racial sense, but largely a Jewish force, as was the imperialism of all nations; “imperialism” was one of the major fields of activity by which globalism – and thereby Jewry’s ambition of world domination – would be attained, the basis of which can be referred to as wholly a product of the Jewish mind, and the Jewish spirit). Al Capone’s physiognomy alone suggests he was a Jew. High-ranking Mafia crime families Bonnano, the Gambinos, Romanos, and the Colombos, are all of Jewish blood. The photographs of Gambino, Luciano, and Genovese would indicate Jewish blood. Meyer Lansky once jested that he and Charles Luciano got along together so well because Luciano thought like a Jew. The Pope’s policy of Forced Conversion led to thousands of Jews in Italy and Sicily becoming Christians. Jews have lived in South Italy from the days of the Persian Empire. Indeed, in 1400 Southern and South-Central Italy and Sicily, an estimated 30-50 percent of the entire people were Jews. Jews inhabited Italy since the days of Ancient Greece in small numbers. By the time the Mohammedans overtook Sicily in the 800s, Jews had lived in Sicily for 1000 years. 

(January 17, 2025: Many Maltese are also secret Jews. The Maltese are to a large extent the descendants of South Italian (especially Sicilian) immigrants. And genetic analyses confirm that the Maltese are the most closely related to the Jews of all European nationalities (after South Italians).)

(January 24, 2025: It is also important to note that many Central Italians (especially in Rome) and an increasing number of North Italians today have South Italian (and thus Jewish) blood. This is in large part due to the unification of Italy in 1861 (conveniently around the same period Jewry fastened its grip over European affairs), as well as the “Fascist” movement led by the secret Jew Mussolini, both of which attempted to erase the North-South schism. Consequently, a great many of the Central and Northern Italians today are mixed with South Italian Jewish blood. Fundamentally, one can only blame the ignorant masses who understand nothing of genuine racial matters, easily swayed and misled by the California-based, Jew-controlled media. Their “leaders” who claim a knowledge beyond their led are equally pitiful in their predictions. By all indications, neither the leader nor the led will ever know anything of racial and eugenic Truth.)

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is girolamo-savonarola.jpgGirolamo Savonarola, Christian preacher and reformer, Jew. Severely low, slanting forehead, hooked nose, thick lips and thick eyebrows, high cheekbones, heavy lower jaw.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is george-walker-bush-1.jpgGeorge W. Bush, Sephardic (Marrano?) Jewish politician and business executive

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is george-walker-bush-young.jpgAn early portrait of Bush, in which the common traits of his tribe are more noticeable.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is pietro-de-silva.jpgPietro de Silva, Jewish actor

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is ted-bundy.jpgTed Bundy, Jewish criminal

The Jewish media are always trying to promote their kind as “heartthrobs”. Even their criminals, like Bundy, are no exception. Jews advertise the lie that Bundy was a “charming and handsome White man” instead of a typical attention-seeking Jewish criminal.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is james-deen.pngBryan Sevilla (James Deen), Jewish pornographer

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is anibal-cavaco-silva.jpgAníbal Cavaco Silva, Jewish politician

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is jared-fogle.jpgJared Fogle, Jewish spokesman and criminal

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is emeril-lagasse.jpgEmeril Lagasse, Jewish TV host

Kurt Kroner, Jewish artist (sculptor)

Kroner’s father, Traugott was a gynecologist; his mother, Margarete was from a merchant family.

Ears: The ears of a Jew are often very large and fleshy, and are often protruding. They often sit unusually high or low about the head (the former apparently more often being the case). Jewish earlobes are often attached. They can be described as similar to those of a rat.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is norman-haire.jpgNorman Haire (real name: Zions), Jewish sexologist and medical doctor (gynecologist)

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is franz-kafka.jpgFranz Kafka, Jewish author

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is gwyneth-paltrow.jpgGwyneth Paltrow, Jewish actor

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is barbra-streisand.pngBarbra Streisand, Jewish actor

Paris Hilton, Jewish singer, model, actor, author, business executive, and “media personality”

Prominent and unsightly ears are probably one of the commonest of physical abnormalities of the Jews. The Jews themselves are cognizant of this defect and consequently make an attempt to conceal their lobes by wearing longer hair, and also by the use of earrings (in the case of the women especially: see above).

Anthony David Weiner, Jewish politician and criminal
William Pierce, Jewish “political activist” and “White supremacist”

See also this post: List of Jewish Deceivers.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is barack-obama-1.jpgBarack Obama, Jewish lawyer and politician. The large ears, woolly hair, thick eyebrows, thick lips, and low forehead were giveaways from the beginning – but again, since most Jews have Negroid ancestry, the Jews have been successfully able to disguise within the African body.

See this post: Jewish Presidents.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is asa-butterfield.jpgAsa Butterfield, Jewish actor


This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is receding-chin-specimen.jpg

There are two chins most common among Jews: the weak, receding chin, and the pointed but weak chin. The above specimen has a weak, receding chin. Jews on TV and magazines tend to have pointed but weak chins.

The specimen below, in addition to the pointed, weak chin, also has the high cheekbones. This trait comes from the mongrel ancestry of the Jews, and is popularized by the Jewish fashion market.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is angelina-jolie.jpgAngelina Jolie, Jewish actor

Mouth: Jewish lips are usually thick, with the lower lip often protruding.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is megan-fox.jpgMegan Fox, Jewish actor and model. Her surname is an adaptation of Fuchs (Fox in Yiddish). This photograph was taken when she was sixteen years old and before surgical and cosmetic enhancement. Does she exhibit mongrelized Jewish features? Yes. The arched eyebrows, the lizard eyes, the narrow forehead, the full lips, and the broad, Mongoloid cheekbones.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is lisa-rinna.jpgLisa Rinna, Jewish actor and author

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is scarlett-johansson.jpgScarlett Johansson, Jewish singer and actor

Samuel Newhouse Jr., Jewish business executive (owner of Condé Nast, owner of

One other common type of mouth among Jews (albeit less common than the thick-lipped mouth) is the thin but wide frog mouth as exhibited below. In this type of mouth, the lower lip also bulges and is typically thicker than the upper lip. The protruding lower lip tends to enhance the sensual and lustful facial expression characteristic of Jewish men and women.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is benjamin-netanyahu.jpgBen Netanyahu, Jewish politician

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is donald-trump-1.jpgDonald Trump, Jewish politician and business executive

Joe Biden, Jewish lawyer and politician

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is fanny-brice.jpgFanny Brice, Jewish singer and actor

The lower lip often curves sharply upwards in a smile among Jews, as seen in the specimen above.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is margaret-atwood.jpgMargaret Atwood, Jewish author and social reformer

When it reaches a grin, the corners of the lips often give the appearance of being sharply tapered, or “extended”, and there often also appears, as it were, a peculiar “waviness” of the mouth form which is uncommon among humans.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is ron-paul.jpgRon Paul, Jewish politician and medical doctor (gynecologist)

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is walter-gross.jpgWalter Gross, Jewish musician

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is mike-wallace.jpgMike Wallace, Jewish news reporter, journalist, actor, and game show host

Kamala Harris, Jewish lawyer and politician

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is adam-mosseri.pngAdam Mosseri, Jewish business executive (head of Instagram)

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is william-barr.jpgWilliam Barr, Jewish lawyer and politician

Jew from Holland

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is jeffrey-epstein.jpgJeffrey Epstein, Jewish financier and criminal

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is anton-cermak.jpgAnton Cermak, Jewish politician

Rachel Riley, Jewish TV host
Jew from Russia

Another obvious feature is the low, slanting forehead which is common among Jews as well.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is adolf-hitler.jpgAdolf Hitler, Jewish politician. Dramatically low, slanting forehead. Heavy supraorbital ridges. Thick eyelids. Ugly nose. Broad cheekbones. Short and slanted neck. Ears of a rat. In combination, these traits add up almost certainly to a Jew.

See this post: List of Jewish Nazis.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is benito-mussolini.jpgBenito Mussolini, Jewish politician, early mugshot in prison. Looking at this picture of grotesquerie, it’s easy to see why there are so few close-up portraits of his face: Lips very thick (this alone excludes him from being European), eyelids thick, lower jaw heavy, cheekbones broad, earlobes attached, back of the head flat, forehead low and slanting.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is francisco-franco.jpgFrancisco Franco, Jewish general and politician

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is ante-pavelic.pngAnte Pavelic, Jewish lawyer and politician

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is emperor-hirohito.pngEmperor Hirohito, Jew

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is joseph-stalin.pngJoseph Stalin (real name: Dzhugashvili), Jewish politician

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is mao-zedong-henry-kissinger.jpgMao Zedong and Henry Kissinger, Jewish politicians

Just as they have in other countries, the Jews established Communism in China. This should come as no surprise to those who are aware of the Jewish crookery and deceptiveness which has pervaded world affairs since time immemorial.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is vladimir-putin.jpgVladimir Putin, Jewish politician

Jimmy Wales, Jewish pornographer and Internet entrepreneur (Wikipedia co-founder)

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is zac-efron.jpgZac Efron: Jewish actor playing the role as a “White man”. The low forehead, thick eyebrows, attached earlobes, and full lips are clues.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is pat-buchanan.jpgPat Buchanan: another Jewish politician and journalist promoting the falsehood that “the problem is ‘Israel’ and the ‘Zionists’, not all Jews”. Low forehead, slanting eyes, broad cheekbones, convex nose, thin upper lip, ears of a rat.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is david-beckham.jpgDavid Beckham, Jewish athlete, model, and actor. (Born in England.) The most “White-looking” Jews are in Northwestern Europe, where the Jews have been selectively breeding with Europeans since the 19th century, and choose those Jews whose mongrel blood more often expresses European physical features to be athletes, actors, fashion models, physicians, politicians, lawmakers, social reformers, etc. pretending to be European. This phenomenon seems to be especially true among Jews in England and in Holland, and of the Jews in Germany (“German Jews”).

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is tim-marlow.pngTim Marlow, art commentator, Jew. Tim Marlow’s career is an additional Jewish clue. Many of the humans in dubious industries such as law (almost all politicians, and most lawyers, judges, and notaries, are Jews), fashion (almost all fashion designers and fashion models are Jews), theater and entertainment (almost all theatrical producers, theater directors, and actors, and many playwrights, comedians, singers, musicians, and dancers, are Jews), psychology (most psychologists, and many counselors and therapists, are Jews), medicine (most physicians, pharmacists, and pharmacologists, and many dentists, are Jews), print and electronic advertising (almost all advertisers, promotional speakers, and propagandists are Jews), business and finance (almost all executive managers, executive officers, business administrators, business analysts, economists, marketers, and financiers, and many accountants, are Jews), art (almost all art dealers, art archivists, art curators, and art commentators, and many contemporary artists, are Jews), journalism (all or almost all journalists and news reporters, and most news editors, are Jews), education (most college deans, college provosts, college chancellors, college presidents, and many college professors, museum directors, school principals, school administrators, librarians, and school teachers, are Jews), publishing (all or almost all contemporary publishers, famous contemporary authors, literary editors, and literary agents are Jews), sexual counseling (all or almost all sexual counselors and sexologists are Jews), and so on are not humans. They are Jews disguising as humans. Being of demonic descent, the Jews incline toward those careers and positions that constantly involve the domination and exploitation of humans. All of these Jews have been employed to deceive us – to “genocide” us, to use the Jew Lemkin’s term.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is bertrand-russell.pngBertrand Russell, Jewish author and social reformer

Like most Jews, Russell had a family history of mental disorders, which included psychosis. He also was an atheist, and he wrote in his autobiography that two of his main interests were religion and sex. He was another Jew who was an atheist and who had an obsession with religion and sex.

High and flat back of the head: This feature is often easier to pick up on if you spot the slanting head first.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is ludovico-sforza.jpgLudovico Sforza, Jewish diplomatist, patron of Leonardo, regent (1480-94) and duke of Milan (1494-98)

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is theodore-roosevelt-1.jpgTheodore Roosevelt (Rosenfelt), Jewish politician and author

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is david-barger.jpgDavid Barger, Jewish business executive

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is edward-snowden.jpgEdward Snowden, Jewish computer hacker and programmer

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is jewish-head-phrenology-shop.pngThe high back of the head, just like many other traits frequently found among Jews, is very common in habitual liars and criminals of a premeditative kind.

Albert Einstein, Jewish pseudoscientist and plagiarist

Jews are more likely to bald as they age and their hairline recedes, giving the impression of a high forehead in frontal aspect. This false peculiarity is amplified by the high back of the head.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is alain-de-botton.jpgAlain de Botton, Jewish lecturer and author

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is louis-sachar.jpgLouis Sachar, Judeo-indoctrinating children’s author

The most well-known feature is the convex nose.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is hooked-nose-before-after-surgery.jpg

Do not forget, with the vast wealth the Jews possess, many opt for plastic surgery in reducing the size of and changing the hooked shape of their noses. It should also be noted that the hooked nose is found only in a minority of Jews.

It is important to recognize that the “hooked” kind of nose among Jews is not an exclusively Jewish trait. Rather, it is a distinguishing mark of the so-called Armenoid race. The Ashkenazim are, therefore, somewhat more prone to have this type of nose compared to the Sephardim.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is ira-katznelson.jpgIra Katznelson, Jewish author, professor, and college provost (Columbia University)

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is peter-stuyvesant.jpgPeter Stuyvesant, Jewish(?) politician

Lawrence Summers, Jewish economist, politician, and college professor and president (Harvard University)

John Lennon, Jewish singer and musician
Jon Stewart (real name: Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz), Jewish comedian, writer, producer, director, political commentator, actor, and television host
Susan Wojcicki, Jewish business executive (YouTube)

The hooked nose can be preserved in Jews pretending to be members of any human race or nationality, as seen below.

Hiroyuki Nishimura, Jewish Internet entrepreneur (founder of 2chan and owner of 4chan)

Thick eyelids: The Jews’ eyelids are mostly thicker and more fleshy than ours. This is especially true of the upper eyelids. The eyelids give the appearance of being swollen and heavy. Their look is wary, piercing, and sensual. One can tell from the eyes that the Jews are a deceitful people. (The “piercing look” of the Jewish eye is said to be rather striking in physicians of Jewish race.)

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is david-berkowitz.jpgDavid Berkowitz (“Son of Sam”), Jewish criminal

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is elie-wiesel.jpgElie Wiesel, Jewish Holocaust® survivor and author

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is edward-goldenberg.pngEdward Robinson (real name: Goldenberg), Jewish actor

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is golda-meir.pngGolda Meir, Jewish politician

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is yevgeny-komarovsky.jpgYevgeny Komarovsky, Jewish TV host and medical doctor (pediatrician)

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is simon-levay.jpgSimon Levay (Levy?), Jewish homosexual author and sexologist

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is alexander-berkman.pngAlexander Berkman, Jewish political revolutionist and author

Among Jews there is, furthermore, often an appearance of incongruity in the shape of one eyelid in relation to the other. Frequently it is to observed that, for instance, the left eyelid is somewhat fleshier than the right, as in the specimen below. This deformity seems to be more common among Jews than in non-Jewish populations.

Fritz Kreisler, Jewish composer
Georges Seurat, Jewish painter (“post-Impressionism”)

Limbs: The arms and legs of a Jew are often very short. The body height of the Jews is usually large in proportion to the legs. Many Jews have bowed legs and flat feet. These qualities may be partly a result of the Jews’ Mongoloid infusion. However, the inferior development of the limbs among the Ashkenazim and the Sephardim (whose racial composition, as mentioned before, would point to a Mongoloid extraction to a much lesser extent than their more eastern kin) alike, would assuredly owe more to the fact that the Jew has, throughout his entire history never occupied himself with honest manual labor, has employed neither weapon nor oar, and for these reasons failed to develop properly the arms and the legs.

The Jewish neck is usually quite short. The head and neck also appear to extend farther forwards than in other groups. This, along with other traits like the slanting forehead, has tended (when viewed from the side) to give some Jews a “Neanderthalic” or “caveman-like” appearance.

An especially wide pelvis has been recorded among Jewish females.

A tendency towards obesity is worth noting in Jews; the early inclination towards fat accumulation is quite striking especially in Jewish females.

The Jewish body often gives the appearance of a slouching posture. The shoulders are likewise often weak and bent downwards from the neck.

The Jewish skin often inclines to an inanimate yellow or dull grayish complexion. A cold and clammy look to the skin is said to be not uncommon.

On the stature of the Jews: It must be borne in mind that differences in human height are too often stressed and overvalued in studies of race and genetics due to the easy accessibility of such data compared to other attributes hitherto mentioned and are somewhat more influenced by environmental factors than the aforementioned traits. A much more thorough examination of the racial disposition of the Jews can be treated through an analysis of the facial form, and by measurements of the shape and dimensions of the cranium (though this, of course, would be a far more laboring task than the simple measurement of height).

Other traits:

A high sensitivity to pain among the Jews has been noted.

It has been claimed by some that a distinctive (pungent and like garlic) odor is characteristic of the Jews. Whether this is true, and whether it is due more to racial than to environmental factors, is unclear.

The Jewish voice is often high pitched. The voice often gives one the impression that he is speaking through his nose. One hears this very often in the debates and oral arguments on television.

Lisping, a speech defect, a possible hereditary element towards which has been asserted in which the pronunciation of “s” and “z” conforms nearly to “th” (as in “thin” “or “bath”) is said to be rather typical of the Jews.

One very assuredly can recognize a Jew from his movements and behavior, though these are more difficult to describe than his physical characteristics and are often impossible to analyze by an examination of the photographs. What is most important in this connection, and which constantly must be kept in mind, is that the Jew presents himself differently among non-Jews as compared to his own kind, and that the psychological traits can be easier to conceal than the physical – though this, of course, does not necessarily negate any possible relation which may exist between the two, even if such a physical-psychological connection is much weaker among Jews than non-Jews, as was already stated in the earlier part of this article.

The Jews often move their hands and head when speaking. They often have a shift or uncertain gait. This peculiarity is believed to be due partly to physical, and partly to psychological causes.

When a Jew walks, the movement often has something of a “dragging” impression of the feet.

Characteristic among Jews is a talent for dramatic and musical arts. This talent is aided in part by a certain fluency of verbal and persuasive expression which seems to go far beyond the limits of what would be possible from studies that concern mere formalities of vocabulary and grammar. In discourse, the Jew does far more to persuade than to convince; he does much to the passions and practically nothing to reason.

Among the Jews there is a marked tendency for altercation, for agitation, for unrest. Jewry is a fanatic promoter of new causes. He is always the head (though not always conspicuously so!) at protests and in social reform. The Jew is a master of telling lies and of twisting the truth. He can be described as extremely deceptive and excessively unstable. The Jewish desire for “empathy” (which is a term invented in the 20th century by Jewish psychologists) is unrivaled. The Jew can be described as an unceasing beggar of “empathy”, who plays the role of the sufferer for attention and for exploitation. The immense number of Jews one sees within the fields of politics, law, education, business and administration, advertising and marketing, psychology, human sexuality, theater, and other positions of authority testifies to the Jew’s fixation to control and exploit the minds of the peoples of the lands in which he resides.

The Jew often has a strong preoccupation with sex, and other ill-bred or generally repulsive topics – hence, the extremely high prevalence of Jews within fields and businesses that involve allusions or references to these topics, such as pornography, prostitution, gynecology, sexology, sexual therapy, and so forth. Indeed, sexual degeneracy in various forms appears to be universal among the Jewish tribe. Sexual degeneracy would seem to be more prominent among the Ashkenazi Jews. An “ambiguity” between the sexes has been noted, and is rather remarkable: Thus there are very many “womanish” Jewish males and “mannish” Jewish females (the dominance of Jewish females in the feminist movement and in politics would serve to illustrate the obscurity of clear sex differences within the Jews in contrast to humans).

Puberty tends to occur earlier among Jews than non-Jews. A relation may be found between the early attainment of sexual maturity on the part of Jews and the looseness which is characteristic of this race. Among humans, early sexual maturity tends to be strongly associated with promiscuous conduct in adulthood.

In the field of medicine, in which the Jewish race has a very strong foothold, it is pertinent in a study of the racial psychology to note which specialties he prefers. He is most active in gynecology, urology, pediatrics, dermatology, and psychiatry. The reasons should be quite obvious. It is likely of interest in relation to the racially determined characteristics of the Jews that he is relatively less well-represented in the practice of surgery. The most likely explanation is that the Jewish mind prefers medicine insofar as it brings a sense of mental superiority and exploitation over others, and thus interests itself less in the scientific and practical, and more where information of a propagandic or emotional nature is able to affect the greater influence on its patients.

Various hereditary diseases are well-known to be restricted in the main to people of Jewish descent, perhaps the most well-known being Tay-Sachs. The following diseases are not found with equal frequency among all Jewish populations, many being confined to those of Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry. It may be observed that the Ashkenazi Jews are considerably more liable to genetic diseases of a mental and nervous kind. In general, however, Jews suffer from mental and physical illnesses in very high proportion to their population. Genetic mental retardation (or “autism”, as the Jews call it) is disproportionately common. Anxiety disorders (especially hypochondria) are strongly represented among Jews. The prevailing anxiety among Jews, their lack of stability, their grandiosity, and their love of attention and eagerness for extremes, can be fairly assigned as racial characteristics. Narcissistic disorder, histrionic disorder (a mental aberration involving gross exaggeration, make-believe, pathological lying, and superficial appeal), hysteria, neurasthenia, psychopathy, manic-depressive disorder, and endogenous psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia, are also rampant among Jews. More common also are various cancers (e.g., leukemia, and also cancers of the skin, pancreas, breasts, prostate, and ovaries), skin diseases, heart diseases, metabolic diseases (especially diabetes, also Gaucher’s disease, Niemann-Pick disease), eye diseases (especially nearsightedness, also glaucoma), and nerve diseases (including Parkinson’s disease, familial dysautonomia). (There is possibly an association between the tendency towards obesity among many Jewish females and the greater prevalence of breast, ovarian, and pancreatic cancers. There is, perhaps, also a connection between the higher incidence of breast cancer among Jews and the “oversexed” Jewish nature, both being caused in part by increased levels of various sex hormones – e.g., testosterone, estrogen.) Various blood diseases, including hemophilia and anemia, are relatively commoner. The numbers of the blind and deaf-mute are likewise relatively high. Morphine and cocaine addiction are reported to be commoner in Jews. Conversely nicotine addiction, alcoholism, epilepsy, malaria, typhoid fever, pneumonia, and tuberculosis are said to be relatively less common.

Tattoos and other outward marks of degeneracy are very common among the Jews as well.

The Jewish speech is nasty and blasphemous; many words of defilement and filth are a part of his daily repertoire. He is a ceaseless user of slang and vulgar and anti-Christian speech.

The location (e.g., birth place, work place, or living place) of an individual is also something to be suspicious about. As a rule, the more morally filthy a certain location is, the higher the proportion of Jews there will be. The fact that someone was born in America makes it much more likely that person is a Jew than someone born, for example, in Burma or Scotland! Of the American states, some are undoubtedly more “Jewish” than others. Places like New York and California especially are big “red flags” to look for. (Incidentally, note that California is, and has been for a long time, possibly the greatest pit of anti-Humanity and anti-Christianity to beset the planet. Observe also how a great deal of powerful media and technology localities and companies are “Californian” (think Hollywood and Silicon Valley, corporations like Google, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, WordPress, etc.!). The Jews behind these organizations may not have weapons and explosives, but something far more dangerous: An arsenal of mind control and propaganda to poison the masses’ minds. Such a place often reached its influence due to its penetration by Jews in times past; this new power, in turn compels many of the hive from other parts of the world to settle there also.)

21 responses to “How to Recognize a Jew”

  1. Accurate, though I notice that you’re much more cautious than Shadowmasterminds. I think generalizing is important here and the Jewish corruption goes much deeper than anyone can fathom. It’s the big lies that work the best. How does stating that ‘Jews control the world’ make you a useful idiot for the Jews, when they do infact control everything that matters in a society? Most millionaires are Jewish, something you have mentioned that you disagree with in another post.

    You are right about practically all practitioners of these occupations listed under Tim Marlow being Jewish. Though I don’t think most or all doctors, pharmacists and lawyers are Jewish. Not sure about dentists either. Might be different in the United States.

    Jews are overrepresented as school principals, librarians and school teachers. All famous ‘comedians’ and all pornography directors, composers, film directors (including in Bollywood etc.) are Jews, many or most female pornography actresses are Jewish and most famous artists and writers (especially poets) of yore were Jewish.

    All professional sports players that figure in media (football players, MMA fighters, racing drivers, tennis players, swimmers etc.), football managers, higher-ranking business executives, Nobel Prize laureates (which is a Jewish circlejerk prize created by a Jewish plagiarist), freemasons (freemasonry is a Jewish establishment with exclusively ethnic Jewish members that follows Jewish rituals) and religious preachers/reformers are Jewish or have Jewish ancestry.

    Some other observations:

    Location: The vast majority of all Caucasoid-looking Argentinians and Uruguayans and who do not look flagrantly Amerindian influenced are Jewish. Many Dutch, South African and Polish people have some sort of Jewish ancestry, and French people are commonly Jewish or have Jewish ancestry. I have also noticed many secret Jews belonging to the following nationalities: Montenegrins, Bosnians, Russians, Swedes, Estonians, Luxembourgers, English people, (Northern or sometimes Central) Italians, and Swiss people. Many Jews in the New World pretend to be of Irish heritage when they are in fact of Eastern European Jewish descent, such as John Kerry. Many Filipinos are also Jewish. Jews in Japan frequently tend to be half-Filipino or half-Japanese Brazilian (meaning they have Jewish ancestry).

    Many ‘notable’ people in old paintings and old photographies look Jewish with hook noses, thin upper lip, and other ugly Jewish features. When it comes to scientists, it is usually because they’ve stolen inventions from non-Jews or because they’re attempting to corrupt science (such as the Jew Johannes Kepler, whose mother’s last name was Guldenmann, who murdered the non-Jewish scientist Tycho Brahe).

    All controlled opposition agents are Jewish, and many of the people (but not everyone of course) who promote the following narratives among ‘truthers’ are Jews:
    – Space travel
    – Fearmongering narratives, such as atomic bombs, 5G/electromagnetic radiation, chemtrails and viruses/contagion
    – Vaccines with mRNA altering technology, spike proteins, microchips, shedding and the like or shilling of Jewish pharmaceutical products such as ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine
    – Theories about the Kennedy assassination and 9/11 being anything but pre-recorded movies
    – Belief in sovereign states (such as being supportive of Russia, a ‘multipolar world order’ etc.)
    – Frequent mentioning of the fact that Jews have been kicked out of 109 countries or the false belief that Jews only constitute 2% of the population, and other forms of simulated ‘anti-semitism’
    – Julian Assange/Edward Snowden
    – Political engagement (democracy)

    1. You have some interesting things to say, so I’m approving your comment, even though I don’t agree with everything you wrote. One thing I would be more careful about especially is stating that “ALL people in [a certain field or profession] are Jews”. Even in some of the most Jew-dominated fields, like medicine or business, this is not likely to be the case.

      I won’t respond to everything you wrote because my time is limited, but I’ll respond to some things I consider especially interesting or important.

      I would say Shadow Masterminds and I were about equally cautious. I tended to mostly agree with what he said on his blog, even if I had a few disagreements.

      I agree that generalizations are important. Whether the “Jewish corruption goes much deeper than anyone can fathom” is debatable though. Some people have a true understanding of the extent of the Jews’ control over the world. But it’s a very small number. You’re right about the big lies being very effective, something the secret Jew Hitler explicitly mentioned and used to the full extent of his criminal career.

      There’s a difference between “Jews controlling the world” and “Jews controlling everything”. I agree with the former, although we should be careful to stipulate it by saying that this doesn’t necessarily mean they control EVERYTHING. They control most of the important facets of the world. They do not control what I am writing at the moment, for instance. Nor do they control what books I read, or what I choose to do today, even if they attempt to lure us into doing certain things. Our wills have not been under total subjection of them, though this might be true for some.

      I didn’t disagree with the statement that “most millionaires were Jewish”. The statement I was referring to claimed that “ALL millionaires were Jewish”. That goes too far, in my opinion. It’s even doubtful whether MOST millionaires are Jews. I am open to the idea, but skeptical. Reaching the million-dollar threshold is so much easier today than it was decades ago that it doesn’t mean as much.

      Perhaps I was going a little too far in my statement about most physicians, pharmacists, and lawyers, and many dentists being Jews. I do not have actual statistics on this, and besides, the actual number must be much higher due to the large number of secret Jews among us. There is no doubt that these are all fields dominated by Jews, nevertheless. What’s strange is why you agree about all the other professions being dominated by Jews, but not the part about “doctors” (I’m assuming you meant physicians) and others in the medical profession. There’s no doubt in my mind that medicine is one of the most Jew-dominated fields.

      It’s also questionable to me whether most famous writers in history were Jews. A large percentage probably were, but the great Jewish invasion in writing seems to have occurred fairly recently in history during the last several hundred years. The older writers were probably much less “Jewish” than writers nowadays, due to Jewish infiltration of society. We also see much greater degeneracy and filth in writing today, largely a result of this Jewish infiltration.

      The fact that most people in pornography – not just the directors, but the actors/actresses too – are secret Jews is something that’s almost never mentioned, so I appreciate you mentioning it. Too many of these “anti-Semites” on the Internet seem to be under the impression that only the directors of the scenes are Jews, when the actors are Jews too. They are not “innocent victims”, folks. They know what they are doing and they deserve the punishment they will get for their unceasing immorality and degeneracy.

      Whether the founder of the Nobel Prize, Alfred Nobel, was a Jew is to me quite dubious. My own belief is that he was a Northwestern European of Swedish blood. It is true that a very disproportionate number of Nobel Prize winners are Jews, however. I personally believe that many of the initial recipients of the prizes were honest non-Jews. It may have and probably has changed somewhat now.

      I don’t know about most Argentinians and Uruguayans being Jews. Many of them probably are, what with a large percentage of the original “Spanish” and “Italian” settlers likely being of Jewish ancestry. I agree with you that many of the “Dutch” and South Africans today are secret Jews. I’ve already mentioned it in this and other posts. I’m not sure about the Poles. It seems that very many of the Jews in Poland were “forced” to migrate to other countries due to the usual story of “anti-Semitic persecution”, so that there are perhaps relatively fewer secret Jews in Poland compared to Western countries. I do agree with you that the actual number of secret Jews in Poland (and other Eastern European countries) is probably much higher than the “official” statistics claim. I also agree that Russia, as well as Sweden, England, and Italy (especially Southern Italians, but also a quite large number of North and especially Central Italians) have many secret Jews. I agree that a fairly high percentage of people calling themselves “Irish” have Jewish ancestry, which is surprising. I recall watching a video where some Irish people had their DNA tested. It seems a fair number of “Irish” have Jewish blood, besides other non-European and Southern European blood. I don’t know much about the Jewish infiltration of the other countries though. If you or anyone would like to elaborate on it that’d be appreciated. I didn’t know about secret Jews in Japan frequently being of part-Filipino or part-Brazilian ancestry, so thanks for the information. The Brazilian part seems to make sense.

      It’s possible Johannes Kepler was a Jew, though I doubt it.

      I agree that most of the “vaccine” conspiracies seem to be promoted by Jews to further confuse and distract us. I also agree that the “109 countries” slogan is getting old and that it’s probably being promoted by Jews to further their claims of “persecution”, so thanks for pointing this out. The two percent claim is also a Jewish lie, as I’ve already noted in other posts.

      1. I apologize for my tardy reply. I’ve also been very busy as of lately, unfortunately. I really appreciate your blog, and you seem to be a very critical-minded person. There does not seem to be any other people who combine racial anthropology with criticism of the Jews, the way you do. I will try to keep myself brief.

        I might have been a bit crude and not very discerning in my assessment, and I agree that one has to be careful about stating that all people in a certain field are Jewish. But as I’ve said, I think you have to generalize when it comes to facing “big lies“ we’ve been fed, such as these. It could be the case that just about anyone who regularly receives any sliver of attention in Jewish-owned outlets, such as the media, as well as the “alternative“ media, is Jewish. Unfortunately as it is, the Jewish-owned media are the lenses with which the masses view the outside world with. A Jew can not always be positively identified based on their appearance. Furthermore, I agree with your point on the distinction you’re making in regards to what they hold control over. You might be right about the millionaire thing, though I would say that someone whose personal fortune is above a certain threshold is guaranteed to be Jewish. I would certainly say that all billionaires are Jewish, regardless of the race they “LARP“ as.

        As for physicians (sorry if I come off as unclear): I believe there is a much higher demand for physicians than there are Jews available to vacuum up their positions, and the same goes for the other occupations I mentioned. This is not the case for jobs in the entertainment sector, as a contrast. Medicine is obviously a very Jew-dominated field.

        I agree with your point about older writers being less likely to be Jewish (especially up until the last turn of the century), but I believe that the ones that are promoted in the Jewish education system and in advertisements and so forth, are likely to be Jewish. C.S. Lewis is a good example. Miles Mathis has done some genealogical research on him, I believe. Even if Miles Mathis is not very reliable, I think that you can safely infer that he’s a Jew based on his appearance.

        As for Nobel, I could be wrong, but I think you also have to take the corruption of the natural sciences (which many “truthers“ view as a sacred cow unlike the media and staged events etc.) done by the Jews into account. This has been a gradual process, done for many centuries.

        The point I made about the Jewish population in certain geographical areas is anecdotal. I would say that Northwestern Europe is heavily infiltrated by the Jews. As for the secret Jews in East Asia, I believe that many of them have been brought there from countries that have had a higher degree of European colonial involvement. I’ve read that many of the Jews in South Korea stem from “Koreans“ that were living in Russia. Upon reading biographies about people in Jewish-dominated sectors in South Korea, such as the banking industry, they have had a slight Caucasoid countenance to them.

        1. Thank you for the kind words. I agree that there are virtually no other people online who combine ACCURATE racial/physical anthropology with a critical lens towards Jews. The “white nationalist” and neo-Nazi views are virtually the only ones that filter through online, and since these movements and ideologies are Jew-infiltrated, one can hardly be disappointed by the ridiculous results and ideas they put out.

          I agree with you that it’s possible that anyone who gets even a little attention by Jews and the Jewish-controlled media (which is essentially all the media the masses know) might be a Jew. And I agree that we can’t always distinguish a Jew by appearance alone. I’ve noted that in my post already.

          It’s quite possible all billionaires are Jews. A billion dollars is a massive amount of money and power for one individual, so it wouldn’t be very surprising.

          It’s possible that the demand for physicians outpaces the supply of Jewish physicians. Thanks for clarifying this, even if I’m not sure if that’s really the case.

          I agree with you that we should be more suspicious of well-known writers or authors that have been popularized by Jewish media sources. However, just because Plato or Galileo Galilei or Charles Darwin are occasionally mentioned by “established”, Jewish, mainstream media sources doesn’t mean they were Jews. More likely, the reason they mention these non-Jewish historical figures is to warp their ideas and words to suit their own.

          It’s possible Clive Staples Lewis was a secret Jew. I’ve heard it claimed before. I believe “Lewis” is an English surname that many secret Jews in English-speaking countries (England, America, Australia, Canada, etc.) use as an anglicized form of the more blatantly Jewish “Levy” or “Levi”. Now that you mention his appearance, it does seem like “C.S. Lewis” could well have been a Jew. His face doesn’t seem to conform to the typical English racial types which I’m familiar with. Something seems “Ashkenazic” about it. It’s a testament to how well they’ve mixed in with Humans to notice how many people are fooled by them, even occasionally an actual Jew-aware person.

          I agree that Northwestern Europe has a large proportion of secret Jews. Certain parts are more Jew-infested than others, though. England, Holland, Denmark, and France and Germany (if these latter two countries should even be called Northwestern European) especially come to mind.

          I agree that unfortunately, the natural sciences have suffered a substantial loss due to the invasion of the Jews in this field. However, I don’t think the damage in this area has been nearly as bad as in the social sciences, humanities, and applied sciences (e.g., medicine). The Jews trick the masses much more with these latter fields because the profit (social and financial) is greater.

          I agree that there are quite a few secret Jews in East Asia as well, though the proportion is not likely to be as great as in North America, Australia and New Zealand, or Europe, for instance. I’ve promoted this idea numerous times, but naturally, the Jews on the Internet are trying their very best to either hide it or make the few people who promote this idea seem ridiculous. Whenever you mention it, they often reply with, “Jews in Japan? How ridiculous!”, or something along these lines. Or they ignore the points you make, or censor you completely. They are either very ignorant, or deliberately hiding the truth from us about the Jewish control of the planet. I suspect the latter.

          I don’t know a great deal specifically about the secret Jews in South Korea (“Korean Jews”). Well done for pointing them out, though. I suspect Seung-Hui Cho, the “Korean” mass shooter from the Virginia Tech incident, was/is a secret Jew. I have him listed in my Jewish Deceivers page. No doubt there are quite a few other notorious or famous examples.

          I suspect many of the people online claiming to be Korean, Japanese, Chinese, etc. are secret Jews who’re trying to stir up hate between Humans. The same is true between the French, Germans, and English. The Jews in these countries have always tried to bring conflict between racially similar peoples as well as between Humans in general (e.g., between Europeans (“whites”) and Negroes (“blacks”)). It seems part of the Jews’ nature to do so.

          I’m not familiar with the European colonial involvement in South Korea, though it’s possible as you suggest that many secret Jews in Korea came from secret Jews in Russia. Knowing the close proximity of Siberia to Korea, it certainly wouldn’t be impossible. From what I understand, colonial involvement in Korea was mostly through Japan in the 20th century. So I suspect that the secret Jews in Japan were probably the main source of secret Jews in Korea, mostly in the 20th century around WWII who mixed in with the natives there. I’ve written about the “Japanese Jews” in my article on Hirohito being a secret Jew. Knowing the cosmopolitan and nomadic nature of the Jews, this is hardly surprising. It is speculative but plausible.

          1. Most neo-Nazis are not particularly interested in racial anthropology, nevertheless. When it comes to judging appearance, many of them seem to focus on the pigmentation, or other superficial and easily changeable features, rather than the facial structure of the subject. Either that, or more likely, they will use sweeping racial categories such as “white”, “black”, and the like.

            I’m certainly not claiming that most historical figures have been Jews. Plato was not Jewish. I wouldn’t know if Galileo and Darwin were Jewish. The name Galileo is suspicious, meaning “a man from the Galil”. It also seems to me that heliocentrism has Jewish origins, being “predicted” in the Kabbalistic book of “Zohar”, before Copernicus lived. The heliocentric model also won gradual acceptance, and began getting promoted and even sanctified as an absolute truth following the Jewish takeover of the education sector.

            Darwin is mentioned in the Protocols: “Do not suppose for a moment that these statements are empty words: think carefully of the successes we arranged for Darwinism, Marxism, Nietzsche-ism. To us Jews it should be obvious to see how destructive these ideologies have been upon the minds of the Goyim.”

            While I think it is rude to falsely accuse non-Jews of being Jews, I think we also have to take in mind that infiltration is the most important pillar of the Jewish religion (along with the “Holocaust”). Crypto-Judaism in the presence of non-Jews is the natural state of the Jew. Generally, my view is that the Jews would much rather prefer the silent treatment over acknowledging a non-Jew in Jewish-owned outlets, including when it comes to many historical figures. It also seems to me that the Jews appear to have rewritten history, beginning with their takeover of the Catholic church in the early 1500s. To me, it seems that the Jews have introduced certain erroneous scientific paradigms in order to have the non-Jews entrapped in Jewish mysticism. While not everything is a lie, the lies are everywhere, and the Jews have utilized the big lies on purpose, since Humans are unable to imagine that someone could lie about something so big. Since the Jews also control the education sector, it is hard to let go of certain scientific paradigms introduced by the Jews. Take Einstein for instance, a known pseudoscientist, who attempted to explain away Mercury’s position (which wasn’t at its projected place according to Newton’s calcules) by claiming that the aether does not exist, and that the supposed bending of the light explained that Mercury instead were in a completely different position.

            The natural sciences have obviously suffered far less than the other fields you mentioned, although I don’t think it has to do entirely with profit either, since the Jews are known to be terrible at science, mathematics, and generally suffer from low visuospatial intelligence. All Jews have done for mathematics and physics is to add a load of obscurantism and making each field more disjoint. If they were as smart as they say, they would see that adding accidental complexity to a problem is not an act of genius. A good example of how the Jews’ low visuospatial intelligence manifest is the Jewish domination of mathematics and physics in the last century, after Einstein’s relativity and Bohr’s probabilistic interpretation of quantum mechanics became de facto untouchable, that turned mathematical prowess from a matter of spatial intelligence and manipulation of geometric figures to a matter of verbal intelligence and syntactic manipulation of inert symbols. Before that time, everything was rigorously related to some well defined geometric meaning, mapped onto the real world. Nowadays, most mathematicians AND physicians don’t even have a clear geometric picture of what they do, they simply manipulate symbols according to rules and have only a vague sense of what they are doing.

            Seung-Hui Cho was probably Jewish, or possibly a simulated entity created using image morphing software or CGI. Supposedly, Edward Snowden could be an entirely simulated entity. Snowden is missing his left nose pad in most pictures available of him. I believe that many of the “K-pop” band members promoted to foreign audiences in Jewish-controlled outlets are secret Jews. It’s also possible that many of the Jews in Korea came from Japan, originally.

          2. Thanks for the insights. I won’t go through everything you said in the most detail as time is limited but will comment on a few things of interest.

            I agree with you about most neo-Nazis ignoring or not being interested in racial anthropology in general. I suspect it’s because many if not most of them are Jews who are trying to hide the facts from us. I agree that most of them “hyper-focus” on skin color to the exclusion of other features. I suspect this is deliberate ignorance on their part to deceive and mislead Humanity.

            I agree that Galileo’s name was a little strange, but don’t consider it sufficient evidence of Jewishness. It is true that Darwin was mentioned in the Protocols in what seemed to be a positive way (from the perspective of the Elders), which is unusual. But Jews are not perfect in their machinations and deception, and it seems they were simply wrong in this respect. Or perhaps the supposed “destructiveness” of Darwinism was based on the improperly understood bases of Darwin’s theories which the masses hold, but not on real Darwinian theory itself. I don’t know. I’ll just end it there.

            I agree that Jews generally prefer suppressing non-Jews rather than giving them attention. But this is of course general and not universally true. Thanks for pointing out the various malinfluences of the Jews in science – it’s very important and too often neglected in the so-called Jew-wise circles. My own strengths and interests lie mostly outside physics and astronomy, but I appreciate the thoughts you bring on these subjects.

            I suppose you’re right that a large part of the disparity in Jewish invasion of certain fields has to do with innate ability. It is interesting that you mention Jews are terrible at mathematics. Speaking from observation and objectivity, it seems that a larger proportion of Jews than non-Jews are actually quite adept at this field. But knowing their nature, one would expect these Jews to warp their talents to suit their own preferences and predilections. The Jew Einstein was a very famous and powerful example which you mentioned.

            The spatial deficit you mentioned is a good point. It’s true that Jews have less of an aptitude for spatial reasoning than verbal (and perhaps mathematical) reasoning. This was already noted by the geneticist Fritz Lenz (possibly a secret Jew; I’ve hesitantly listed him in my Jewish Nazis page) in the early 20th century. I believe psychologist Richard Lynn, too, noted this disparity in his book The Chosen People (I don’t recommend the book in general as it’s Judeophilic and contains the usual Jewish lies, but it also has some interesting data). And if I remember correctly, it was also mentioned by the German anthropologist Rainer Knussmann in his Vergleichende Biologie des Menschen.

            I am curious – are you suggesting that the Jews are intentionally trying to disjoint the various physical sciences and make them appear less unified or coherent? I hadn’t considered it before. At any rate, I do agree with you that a large part of the Jews’ thought seems to be based on casuistry and high-sounding words and phrases to appear sophisticated. Actually, we see an example of this with the Jewish writer Philo 2,000 years ago. These Jews seem to be making a virtue out of obscurities, as you just hinted.

            It’s quite possible you’re right about many of the K-pop idols being Jews. Thanks for pointing this out, as I’ve been suspecting this for a while. I am curious – what do you think is their motive for this?

          3. You made an interesting point about Darwinism.

            My point about the Jews in the field of mathematics was more that they seem to prefer synctatic language and symbol manipulation over spatial and geometric manipulation. When Descartes joined geometry and algebra, he rather freed algebra by giving it a geometric basis, as it allowed people to study quadratics and higher polynomials as curves, rather than the more restrictive mapping of squares to squares and cubes to cubes. Geometry also benefitted from the connection, but not as much as algebra did, because geometry was seen as the more fundamental and certain form of mathematics. Algebra, being only syntactical, was seen as suspicious.

            I will check out Rainer Knussmann’s book.

            Sadly, many current scientific paradigms in the physical sciences appears to originate from Jewish mysticism and what has been regurgitated in Jewish scriptures, even though many of these paradigms haven’t been backed by credible observations. I thought it was conspiracy candy and disinformation at first, but the more I’ve looked into it, it unfortunately does seem to be the case.

            Big Bang, for instance, appears to have been “invented” by a priest who tried to translate the Book of Genesis as explicated by the Zohar into scientific terms. A vessel of light exploded and created the universe, with matter magically emanating out of nothing, about 13.7 billions years ago (137 is a famous gematric number, see and In Zohar, the universe was created within Ein Sof (“the unconscious primordial anima of which God is made of”) with a bright spark “that could not be seen”. Black holes are what’s called “holes of primordial Darkness” from the Kether in the Zohar. A lot of unprovable “science” is just Jews making these stories into “scientific facts”. It just so seems that the Jews are trying to rid Humanity of our observable, objective reality.

            I mentioned heliocentrism. The current Copernican model has many geometric flaws. If the Earth were to move around the sun, then the earth would have an orbit of 300,000,000 km. But that movement has not been matched by the movements we see in the stars. Negative and positive parallax. There is a tiny, tiny annual parallax, the stars move relative to us, but they certainly don’t move the way they would have to if we were moving around the sun. There are many legitimate objections to these paradigms that have been introduced by the Jews.

            The Jewish takeover of the physical sciences has led to a stagnation of scientific development during the entirety of the 20th century and the current century. Great inventions such as electromagnetism was developed in an era when the aether theory was still the predominant theory, developed by scientists such as Steinmetz and Heaviside. Gatekeepers and controlled opposition, such as Bjerknes, seem to focus on Einstein being a plagiarist, but that’s not the main problem I see with Einstein, it’s that he disregarded the aether to save face to the heliocentric model. The Michelson-Morley experiment showed that the Earth does not revolve around the Sun. And that’s why the Jews worked hard during the early 20th century to come up with Einstein and quantum mysticism. Einstein said that the light is made out of particles that travel at a constant speed and possess magical powers, as they can be in two places and change their behavior depending on whether they are observed. So it’s far from only the social sciences, with gender studies and Franz Boas, that has been destroyed. Astronomy, physics, medicine, among countless other fields, have been destroyed by these people.

            As for K-Pop: Given how virtually every musician in the Jewish-owned music industry in the West is a Jew or a crypto-Jew, why would the rest of the world be any different, when we know that we’re dealing with a global problem? I don’t know if there’s any particular reason for this problem. It could be to promote globalism and erasing racial boundaries. It could be to promote feminine, weak men, and a degenerate lifestyle. The Jews are at the forefront of promoting feminism and division between the genders in South Korea. Perhaps it could be a way for them to turn East Asians into weaklings, just like they have done with black people by introducing rap music.

          4. It is interesting that you make this distinction between algebra and geometry. It is clear that there really does exist a discrete ability that each of these fields involve. I have personally noticed that many people who like algebra do poorly in geometry, and perhaps vice versa. I’ve noticed this especially in women, although I do not wish to sow division between different groups of Humanity. Perhaps it may be said that the Jewish race/species is more “womanish” in both their appearance and mental inclinations. I have heard it claimed before. This might explain in part their poor spatial reasoning abilities and also their love of verbalization and histrionics.

            Do you think the Big Bang theory is false? If so, why do you think so many physicists and astronomers today support the idea? I’ve personally been suspecting the Jews are again trying to bring in their usual verbal legerdemain here, by not making the distinction between a real scientific theory and a hypothesis and by presenting what may just be pure speculation as a genuine scientific theory in the eyes of the masses. What do you think? Moreover, you mention that the Jews are trying to rid Humanity of reasoning through observation and experiment. Perhaps this is the reason why Jews are vastly overrepresented as theoretical physicists, but there are relatively fewer experimental physicists of Jewish blood. What are your thoughts?

            I believe Bjerknes has admitted he has Jewish blood, which makes any claim he makes highly suspicious. I agree with you that the Jews have invaded and corrupted all the major fields of study, unfortunately.

            Thanks for the insights about “Korean” music. It does make sense that since almost all modern famous musicians/singers are Jews or secret Jews, we ought not to expect an exception in non-Western countries. Perhaps you’re right about the Jews promoting degeneracy again. I have noticed many K-pop admirers are strong supporters of feminism, which is obviously a Jewish-controlled movement. But again, I do not wish at all to promote divisions between different Human groups, such as between men and women. That’s a tactic the Jews make, even though they claim to be fighting against sex injustice, racial injustice, class injustice – it’s all a trick. Thanks for pointing out the Jewish infiltration of rap music, too. Knowing how blatantly degenerate the lyrics are and how much filth and hate the major rappers are promoting, it isn’t surprising that they’d be Jews trying to undermine Humanity.

            Incidentally, I’ve noticed that when I turn on my radio in my car to listen to classical music, it often changes channels from the original one I was listening to. Often, it changes to rap. I suspect the Jews are doing this intentionally to try to subconsciously degenerate people, especially Jew-aware people like me, by forcing them to listen to filth. It only happens for a few minutes at certain locations though, so perhaps it’s just an inadvertent error.

          5. I attribute the degradation of the art, architecture and the sculpting to the infiltration of the Jews in those fields. I’ve noticed that many Jews are drawn to art, architecture and sculpting, when that field is ill-suited for them due to their inferior visual cortex. It’s sad to see how artists get promoted just because they’re Jews or secret Jews, when they don’t have any talent whatsoever. You are right about the Jews womanly nature. I think this excerpt from your post nails it:
            “Sexual degeneracy would seem to be more prominent among the Ashkenazi Jews. An “ambiguity” between the sexes has been noted, and is rather remarkable: Thus there are very many “womanish” Jewish males and “mannish” Jewish females (the dominance of Jewish females in the feminist movement and in politics would serve to illustrate the obscurity of clear sex differences within the Jews in contrast to humans).”
            This is something I frequently observe with the Jews. Jewish women have strong supraorbital ridges (such as the Jewish actress Léa Seydoux), they can be very tall, they have odd, unshapen features, and they are usually narcissistic and hot-headed. Jewish men are extremely neurotic. Jews constantly crave attention. As a native Northern European, this is something that makes it easy for me to identify secret Jews, as these mental traits are foreign.

            Many physicists and astronomers support the idea of Big Bang because of Jewish control of the education system. I don’t think many of them even consider the basic foundation of it, they just go ahead and develop new theories based on a false premise. Just like in the question of climate change, were 97% of all climate change researchers apparently agree that humans are the reason for rising CO2 levels, this also show us that we should not trust authorities all the time, or at least authorities promoted to us emanating from the Jewish system. Neither should we rely on the number of people saying something, rather than whether we could actually verify it based on the scientific method. Physicists and astronomers are told that the “Big Bang” is simply the most accurate theory of how the universe came to be, and frankly they don’t really seem to think of why that is. So, I don’t think they have any other choice than to accept it as truth. The Jews prefer the field of “theoretical physics”, as it does not have to relate to reality in the same way as experimental physics does. The Jews can use their verbal skills and create mathematical formulas and identities that do not necessarily have to relate to reality. Unfortunately, I think with the total Jewish control of the education system, I do not think this will change for the betterment of the physical sciences.

            But something I consider important when unfolding all these big lies that the Jews have indoctrinated people with for generations is to think of this quote: “This constant lying is not aimed at making the people believe a lie, but at ensuring that no one believes anything anymore. A people that can no longer distinguish between truth and lies cannot distinguish between right and wrong. And such a people, deprived of the power to think and judge, is, without knowing and willing it, completely subjected to the rule of lies. With such a people, you can do whatever you want.”

          6. Yes, that may be correct. I believe Fritz Lenz (a possible secret Jew I’ve mentioned before) noted that relatively fewer Jews were involved in architecture and sculpture, and when they insinuated themselves into these fields, it showed a lack of true talent, a kind of “ugliness” resulting from the Jews’ lack of spatial reasoning skills.

            I think you’re partly right about this. On the other hand, we have to also keep in mind how much Jews have mixed in with our kind to further deceive us and hide among us, so that they often don’t conform to these generalizations.

            I agree that the Jews’ mental traits are especially foreign to genuine Northern European Nordics. This has been noted several times by various competent investigators of race and genetics, such as Eugen Fischer.

            I agree we shouldn’t trust authorities all the time, since many of them are secret Jews or at least working for Jews. And I concur that we must determine and verify the truth for ourselves rather than just trusting what the authorities claim is reality. They have lied to us too many times.

            Your quotation reminds me of how the Nazi regime relied on the masses’ emotions to gain control of their movement. As secret Jew Hitler said, “What good fortune it is for governments that the people do not think”. The Jews have used the masses again and again to achieve their aims. On the other hand, I believe the masses today are inherently incapable of judging and thinking for themselves. It’s true that part of it is due to propaganda and indoctrination. But it goes deeper than that. To make the masses think, we need to replace them genetically. We need to replace them with a thinking people – that is, through a process of eugenics.

  2. I believe the following supposed non-Jews are Jews:
    – Claire Julien, actress from USA. The features appear artificial. The skeleton is abnormally gracile for an individual of Northwestern European descent (which the subject appears to emulate), with longer, finer Mediterranean extremities. I think Taylor Swift belongs to a similar racial type.
    – Portia Doubleday, actress from USA. Bulging downturned Middle Eastern eyes.

    1. I agree with you that they are likely to be secret Jews. That they’re getting publicity from Jews is a massive clue in itself, as is the fact that they’re both in the entertainment industry. The fact that they’re both from California is also something to be suspicious about, even though the Jews are trying to hide this connection. This place is swarming with secret Jews and you can see the proof everywhere on the planet.

      Thanks for pointing out their physical features, as it’s also a clue. I’ve mentioned Taylor Swift being a secret Jew in a previous post.

  3. – Pierre Gasly, Jewish racing driver
    – Hugo Weaving, Jewish actor
    – Olaf Scholz, Jewish politician
    – Elsa Alm, Jewish politician
    – Milly Alcock, Jewish actress
    These inidviduals have the same wide-set small eyes and a high palpebral fissure length (horizontal length), a narrow, recessed jaw with an underbite and usually coupled with a pointy chin and a wide mouth. They can be confused for Negroid admixed individuals, because of the underbite. The nose can often be upturned.

    I would group also put Jens Orback (publicly Jewish politician from Sweden), John F. Kennedy, Mick Jagger, Jenna Ortega and Christopher Poole into a similar Jewish racial type.

    1. Thanks for the information.

      The part about Negroid admixture isn’t surprising, as it is recognized that many Jews have some degree of Negro blood. It could be the reason for the prognathism or protruding jaw among these Jews you mentioned, or it could be a separate phenomenon.

      1. I think the prognathism stems from the Mediterranean strain that the Jews carry. Carleton S. Coon wrote that some of the Natufians of Palestine, the place where the Jews originally had begun their expansion from, had Negroid-like affinities:

        “The skulls which Keith describes are of a peculiarly Mediterranean type, with a cephalic index ranging from 72 to 78, thus rivalling the subdolichocephalic head form of short statured Mediterraneans living today. The brain cases are of medium size, and the faces absolutely small. The lower jaws are also small and weakly developed, with little chin prominence and a prevalence of alveolar prognathism. The wide, low-vaulted nose, in combination with prognathism, gives a somewhat negroid cast to the face. The browridges are smooth, and the whole system of muscularity in the male but slightly developed. These late Natufians represent a basically Mediterranean type with minor negroid affinities.13 There was, apparently, a change of race during the Natufian. These small Mediterraneans must have brought their microliths from some point farther south or east, impelled by changes of climate.”

        1. You could be right. I do not recall reading that the Mediterraneans are known for having prognathous jaws, however.

          Thank you for the source by Carleton Coon. One thing I’m curious about is if Coon himself subscribed to the belief that Arabs were “Mediterranean” when this isn’t the case. Perhaps he was referring to Arabs (rather than true Mediterraneans from Europe) when speaking of the so-called Natufians, though I’d have to do more research to check. It is true that Jews have a large proportion of both Arab and Mediterranean blood, however.

          1. Coon made this distinction:

            “(a) Mediterranean Proper: Short-statured, dolicho- and mesocephalic form found in Spain, Portugal, the western Mediterranean islands, and to some extent in North Africa, southern Italy, and other Mediterranean borderlands. Its purest present-day racial nucleus is without doubt Arabia. Most of the Cappadocian, isolated in the skeletal material, seems to have been absorbed into the western Mediterranean variety after its early Metal Age migration, while that which remained in Asia Minor became assimilated into the Dinaric and Armenoid. It still appears, however, among individuals in its original form, and is particularly common among Oriental Jews.

            (b) Atlanto-Mediterranean: The tall, straight-nosed Mediterranean, not mesocephalic, as Deniker erroneously stated, but strongly dolichocephalic. Today this race forms the principal element in the population of North Africa, and is strong in Iraq, Palestine, parts of Arabia, and the eastern Balkans; in solution with varying degrees of negroid it is also the principal race in the whole of East Africa. In Europe it is a minority element in the Iberian Peninsula, Italy, and the British Isles.

            (c) Irano-Afghan: The long-faced, high-headed, hook-nosed type, usually of tall stature, which forms the principal element in the population of Iran, Afghanistan, and the Turkoman country, and which is also present in Palestine, parts of Arabia, and North Africa. It is probably related to the old Corded type of the Neolithic and Bronze Age.”

            So he would have included Arabs/Arabids as a part of the “Mediterranean race”, whereas other authors would not. In Coon’s scheme, “the Mediterranean race” seemed to have referred to some kind of all-encompassing racial type that stretched from Southern Europe and North Africa as far away as India. It could also be that the extreme prognathism is a byproduct of the Dinaricization, which would make their skull jut forward.

            Another possibility is given by Lundman (1967). He explains that his “Arabid race” could have been formed from Veddoid elements (supposedly still found today on the southern edges of the Arabian Peninsula, in Yemen, supposedly a place the Jews left Palestine for early), which resembles Australoid features. “As well as proto-Mongoloid, or rather proto-Bushmenoid (oblique eye slit)”. Taken from a Polish website:



            By the way, in regards to Fanny Brice and Margaret Atwood, Lundman mentions that a very deep canine fossa causes a distinct and long nasolabial fold. When smiling it results in the so-called “Semitic smile” intensified by a wide mouth with upward curved ends. The canine fossa is the depression under the eye sockets at the border of the zygomatic bone and the upper jaw. Example number “1” would have an extremely deep canine fossa.


            Anyway, I’m only speculating here. I don’t know if the individuals I mentioned received their mongrelized features from elsewhere.

          2. This is quite interesting. Thank you for the reference by Coon again. Now that I’ve read him in his actual words, I personally believe his racial taxonomy regarding the Mediterraneans was erroneous. He wasn’t the only one, though. Madison Grant also assumed the Arabs and Mediterraneans from Southern Europe belonged to the same race. I have also noticed this tendency in a number of other anthropological sources. But it is clear to me that we must make a distinction between the true Mediterraneans from Southern Europe and the Arabs from the Middle East and North Africa, as well as the Hindus from North India. It sounds too “Jewish”, trying to bring the Europeans in the same category as Arabs (and many of the Jews). Racially and genetically and even to the common observer, it is obvious these do not belong to the same racial type. It is, however, plausible to speculate that they may have shared a fairly recent origin though, judging by some of their physical (and perhaps mental) resemblances. This doesn’t mean they haven’t since diverged genetically, however. But I believe his racial system regarding the Mediterraneans was far from adequate.

            It seems Coon managed to make things unusually complex while ironically also simplifying reality through his all-encompassing generalizations. I’ll admit I haven’t read his works in full, though I do intend to in the future. I believe he had many accurate things to say, even if I disagree with his nomenclature and taxonomic groupings.

            Thanks for the Polish reference. While I don’t read Polish, I’ve had a look at it with the aid of a translator. The photos are also interesting. I’ve heard of Bertil Lundman before, though I haven’t read his works yet. It’s interesting that this site mentions Earnest Hooton as claiming Arabs were Mediterranean. This seems to be more of a tendency with “American” than European anthropologist. However, I have suspected for a while that Hooton may have been a secret Jew, given some of his anti-race and pro-Jewish biases, as well as his facial features.

            The reference to the “canine fossa” that you made is quite interesting. Thanks for pointing it out, as I had no previous knowledge of this phenomenon and its relation to Jewish physiognomy. However, it would make sense that certain facial expressions might give rise to or express certain skeletal traits, such as the canine fossa you mentioned. The amount of adipose/fatty or muscular tissue on the face might obscure some of the latent features of the skull of the individual, which might only be expressed by straining the tissues as when one smiles. This would probably explain why certain racial features among Jews are much more salient in certain facial expressions, such as when grinning.

            Your speculations are quite appreciated, so thanks again.

          3. I agree with what you said. I find Coon overrated and frequently making erroneous and flawed assumptions and conclusions. And Arabs and Southern Europeans should not be grouped together. Coon uses archaeological evidence to claim that Arabs and Southern Europeans belong to the same “group”, but he bases this on flawed claims. But they could be related, and some degree of overlap exists. Another problem I have with Coon is that he appears to have been a Jew-sympathizer as well; I noticed his frequent use of Jewish slurs such as “Gentiles” when describing intermingling between the Jews and Humans.

            I don’t really trust “genetic studies” anymore. I’m skeptical to the science’s current understanding of “DNA” as a way to model biological inheritance and much of the “genetic science” as of today doesn’t match up with historical or archaeological evidence. I believe the idea of “DNA” and the entire field of “genetics” could be yet another big lie the Jews have tried to shove down our throats for generations, sadly. Higher education and much of today’s science, in my opinion, is mainly a way to have us mentally castrated and have us as far removed from reality as possible, since knowledge is power. This has been the case ever since the Jews took over the field of education during the 20th century, or possibly even during the later part of the 19th century.

            I find physical anthropology and partially archaeology (although the latter field likely has also been infiltrated by the Jews, who have tried to fake artefacts and the like, such as the Piltdown man) as well as genealogy to be the best and the most reliable tools. I also like to use certain “AI facial recognition” tools to compare faces and identify Jews. My conclusion after years of doing that is that almost any living person who regularly receives attention in the Jewish-owned media is Jewish, and that they’ve been placed there and that they haven’t earned their position or status, nor are they “bought”, “useful idiots” or “shabbo’s goys”. Note my use of “regularly”, as the Jewish-owned media might interview random non-Jews once in a while, for instance.

            Personally, I think certain concepts Coon introduced, such as the “Dinaricization” (Dinarics and Armenoids being the result of a solution consisting of 2/3 Mediterranean and 1/3 Alpine) principle, were accurate as I’m able to confirm this with my extensive use of various “facial recognition tools” with correctly put parameters. I also see problems with some of his photographic supplement.

            Lundman is also not too accurate. He relied too much on single quantitative assumptions (metrical data) rather than the whole picture, which led him to make many incorrect assumptions, as well as inventing made-up racial types. I agree that Hooton was a secret Jew (I identified him as one even before I was Jew-aware), he was the mentor of Coon and he oversimplified a lot of things for the worse. I also agree with you in regards to the relation between the amounts of tissue and facial expressions.

          4. I have heard that Coon cited Jewish sources in his works. While it may not be possible to completely exclude Jews and Jewish influence in one’s writings, it is cause for suspicion. And “Gentile” is not a term any Jew-aware Human should use. It is about as insulting to Humanity as “Goy”.

            I sympathize a little with your skepticism of genetic studies. I agree that they have been infiltrated to a large extent by Jews and are often filled with deception and Jewish lies. Nevertheless, I still think they play a useful role in understanding human biological differentiation. However, I agree with you that the Jews are intentionally “downplaying” the study of phenotypic differences in human populations – the traditional anthropometry and skeletal and morphological analyses. These have been largely superseded by “molecular genetic studies”, and I would say partly due to Jewish influence trying to undermine the importance of the traditional skeletal and physical-morphological analyses. Both DNA analysis and traditional morphological studies have their importance. I agree also that much of the “science” of today is deception by Jews to prevent us from thinking right.

            I would suspect archeology is probably more Jew-controlled as a field than physical anthropology, since one of its foundations is the study of human cultures and environment, while physical anthropology has a more rigid, scientifically valid, biological basis. I agree with you that virtually anyone who receives regular attention by the Jewish media is a Jew, mostly secret Jews. I would also say that this goes beyond the traditional TV, movie, print trio, to include virtually all the people one sees on contemporary streaming services, social media, and the Internet at large. I agree that a handful of non-Jews might (very rarely though) be mentioned by the Jewish media, however. While I can’t think of any examples at the moment due to the sheer paucity of real non-Jews (Humans) in the mass media, it seems plausible that there are a few.

            Why do you think Coon’s hypothesis on the origins of the Dinarics is valid? I’ve heard of his hybridization concept before, but don’t find it very convincing. If Dinarics were simply the result of Mediterranean-Alpine admixture, then how would we account for the various physical features of Dinarics which are clearly unique to them and couldn’t be the product of Mediterranean-Alpine mixture (e.g., the Roman nose of Dinarics, which neither Alpines nor Mediterraneans possess?)

            Also, do you have any further information about Hooton and his Jewish connections?

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