(This list will cover the Nazis and Nazi collaborators who were either important antecedents or active proponents of the Nazi Party under Adolf Hitler, and other allied organizations, during the earlier part of the 20th century. The neo-Nazis, many of whom are also Jewish, are largely omitted. For a fuller list, see this List of Jewish Deceivers.)
Our model was the Jewish Law.
— Julius Streicher (Abraham Goldberg), Nazi leader
In this post I will list every Jewish Nazi and Nazi collaborator that I know of. Being both Nazi and Jewish, one naturally should expect most of the Jews listed below to be of the secretly Jewish, rather than openly Jewish type, something which appears to hold true. Nevertheless, all of the Jews listed below have proven ultimate loyalty to the Jewish tribe, and to the Jewish tribe only.
The key Nazis had many Jewish connections. As the National Socialist Party was a mass movement set up by Jews to lure non-Jews into a trap (by bringing about racial and dysgenic degeneration, and thereby all forms of degeneracy following the Nazi regime), one should expect those Nazis at the top to be the most Jewish, while the masses who followed the Party were overwhelmingly of German – rather than Jewish – blood. The Jewish leadership of the Nazi Party included Adolf Hitler, who himself was one-fourth (possibly half) Jewish from his father’s side.
It’s worth mentioning that Jews have been residing in Germany and interbreeding with the natives of that country at least since the early 1800s – long enough that probably a large minority of German citizens had some Jewish ancestry by the beginning of Hitler’s regime in 1933.
Under the Nazis, countless men and women of Jewish or partly Jewish blood were arbitrarily granted “honorary Aryan” status by the government, allowing them to officially join the Nazi Party, some of them becoming prominent officials and leaders.
In 1996, official German documents uncovered by a student proved that many of Hitler’s leading officers were of Jewish descent. (However, as I stated, the majority of Nazis at the lower levels of the Party were not Jewish, and by making this list I am not implying that they were. Many of these lower-level Nazis were killed in battle or otherwise suffered gravely because of Jewish Nazism, something which the Jews could not possibly have allowed to members of their own tribe – and all this while the Jews were being hidden and protected in so-called “concentration camps” in order to keep them away from the terrible suffering that was happening throughout the world!)
Jewish Nazis

Adolf Hitler – Fuehrer of Germany, and possibly the biggest joke in the 20th century (if a person can be considered a joke). If he truly was a hater of Jews, how was he able to become one of the most powerful and influential men of the first half of the 20th century, when Jews were the dominant ethnicity during this time period? This is inconsistent with the world domination plot of Jewry when viewed in that Jewish-promoted sense. Did you know that one of his blood relatives had schizophrenia? Under the Law for the Prevention of Hereditarily Diseased Offspring approved by Hitler himself, Schicklgruber (which sounds very similar to “Shekel-grabber” – obviously no coincidence here) would have been sterilized. As one would expect from a Jew, Hitler was terrible at mathematics and the sciences. As a master of crowd psychology, he used his dramatic ability to give dazzling speeches in which he mesmerized the crowds. This bears such a resemblance to the Jews who control the advertising and theater industry today that there should be little wonder at this point of Hitler’s pedigree.
See this post on the Jew Hitler.
Here is some other interesting information about the Fuehrer to consider:
- Reportedly, as a teenager, Hitler took a fancy to a pretty girl called Stefanie Isak, whose surname has Jewish origins.
- Hitler’s commanding officer during World War I, Ernst Moritz Hess, was Jewish.
- During the First World War, Hugo Gutmann, another of Hitler’s Jewish officers, recommended the Iron Cross 1st Class, a decoration rarely given to a soldier of Hitler’s Gefreiter rank. The award was presented to Hitler on August 4, 1918. Hitler would proudly display his medal throughout his years as the Fuehrer.
- Hitler’s “lover”, Emil Maurice, a Nazi, had Jewish ancestors.
- Hitler was friends with August Kubizek, and they developed a “romantic” and “intimate” relationship. He sometimes spoke to Kubizek of his admiration for the Jewish people.
- In Vienna, Hitler had numerous Jewish friends. His Jewish friends included Josef Neumann, who sold his paintings, a Jew from Galicia named Jakob Altenberg, a Jew from Hungary named Samuel Morgenstern, and the Jahodas, the cultivated upper-middle-class Jewish couple whose company Hitler enjoyed on occasions.
- From 1910 to 1913 Hitler lived in a homeless hostel in Vienna, which was funded by the Jewish Rothschild and Gutmann families. He had a close relationship with many of the residents of this hostel – who were also Jewish – including Siegfried Loeffner and Josef Neumann, the druggist Rudolf Haeusler (with whom Hitler emigrated to Germany in 1913), and fellow artist Karl Leidenroth. He later tried to destroy evidence of his stay in this hostel.
- Most of the purchasers of Hitler’s art during his time as an artist in Vienna were Jews. Examples include the Jew Retschay, a main engineer, the Jewish lawyer Josef Feingold, and Morgenstern, a Jewish picture frame merchant.
- One of Hitler’s colleagues, Reinhold Hanisch, claimed that Hitler interacted almost exclusively with Jews during his time in Vienna, including a locksmith’s assistant named Simon Robinsohn. Hanisch also stated that Hitler had a marked disinclination to work. In Walter Langer’s book The Mind of Adolf Hitler, Hanisch reports: “He [Hitler] was never an ardent worker, was unable to get up in the morning, had difficulty in getting started, and seemed to be suffering from a paralysis of the will.”
- During his trial for the failed Beer Hall Putsch in November 1923, an expert on racial hygiene, Max von Gruber, described Hitler as “inferior type, mongrel”, with the expression “not of a man exercising authority in perfect self-command, but of raving excitement. At the end an expression of satisfied egotism.”
- Hitler had a special fondness for a young girl name Bernhardine Nienau, whose grandmother, Ida Voit, a “converted Roman Catholic” teacher, was of Jewish ancestry. Nienau was known as “the Fuehrer’s child” for her close relationship with Hitler. Their public displays of tenderness were only quelled by pressure from other Nazi officials.
- Hitler loved Jewish movies, especially ones from Hollywood and had a habit of watching one or two of these films each day. Among his favorites were Die Nibelungen (1924) by the Jew Fritz Lang, Gone with the Wind (1939) by the Jew David Selznick, King Kong (1933) by the Jew Ernest Schoedsack, and films featuring the Jewish actor Charlie Chaplin. Hitler’s very limited knowledge of languages besides German was said to have come from Jewish films, which he devoured in a private cinema room.
- Hitler frequently brought male and female prostitutes and strip teasers to his apartment and to his secluded Berchtesgaden retreat, where they would undress, exhibit their genitals, or have sex while he watched. In 1921 he would make Heinrich Hoffmann, a Jewish pornographer, his official photographer.
Ernst Hanfstaengl. This Jew reminds one of the Jewish actor Sylvester Stallone.
“The Party organization challenged me to produce a genealogical tree to prove that with a grandfather named Heine I was not partly Jewish […].”
– Ernst Hanfstaengl
Ernst Hanfstaengl – personal friend and confidant of Hitler. Hanfstaengl joined the Nazi Party in 1931. The son of Jewess Heine from New York, he became the head of the Foreign Press Bureau in Berlin.
For much of the 1920s, Hanfstaengl introduced Hitler to Munich “high society” and helped polish his image, assisting him in his rise to power. He also helped finance the publication of Hitler’s Mein Kampf and the NSDAP’s official newspaper, the Völkischer Beobachter (“People’s Observer”). Hanfstaengl composed both Brownshirt and Hitler Youth marches, which were patterned after his Harvard football songs. He also claimed to have devised the chant “Sieg Heil”.
Hanfstaengl later became an adviser of Franklin Roosevelt, revealing information on approximately 400 Nazi leaders. He provided 68 pages of information on Hitler alone, including personal details of Hitler’s private life, and he helped Professor Henry Murray, the director of the Harvard Psychological Clinic, and psychoanalyst Walter Charles Langer and other experts to create a report for the OSS, in 1943, designated the “Analysis of the Personality of Adolph Hitler”.
Hanfstaengl had a talent for musical art (the piano, to be specific), which is unusually common among Jews. His friends included the Jewish propagandist Walter Lippmann and the Jewish actor Charlie Chaplin.
Hanfstaengl was warned by the writer Rudolf Kommer that “If any political party emerges with an anti-Semitic programme directed by Jewish or half-Jewish fanatics we shall have to watch out.” Hanfstaengl wrote that later, after experiencing the influence that Alfred Rosenberg had on Hitler, he began to realize what that remark really meant:
“I thought back to Rudolph Kommer’s remark about an Anti-Semitic programme directed by Jewish or half-Jewish fanatics – Rosenberg was distinctly Jewish in appearance, although he would have been the first to protest furiously if anyone had questioned his ancestry. Yet I used to see him most mornings sitting in a dingy café at the corner of Briennerstrasse and Augustenstrasse with a Hungarian Jew named Holoschi, who was one of his principal assistants. The man called himself Hollander in Germany and was another of these Jewish Anti-Semites. […] I suspected the Aryan background of many of the others, Strasser and Streicher looked Jewish to me as well as figures like Ley, Frank, and even Goebbels, would have had difficulty in proving their pedigree.”
Fritz Thyssen
Fritz Thyssen – Jewish financier who was an early and important promoter of the Nazi movement. Thyssen joined the Nazi Party in 1931. As head of the Vereinigte Stahlwerke (United Steelworks) Thyssen was one of the most wealthy and powerful figures in Germany. Thyssen donated 100,000 gold marks to the Nazi movement as early as 1923, and greatly advanced Hitler’s political career as one of the Nazi Party’s chief financial backers.
In November 1932, Thyssen and Hjalmar Schacht organized the letter to President Paul von Hindenburg that urged him to appoint Hitler as Chancellor.
Edmund Heines
Edmund Heines – homosexual deputy commander of the Nazi Sturmabteilung (SA). Heines was born to a Jewish merchant family and was one of the earliest members of the Nazi Party. He participated in the Beer Hall Putsch and became a notorious defender of the Nazis.
Emil Maurice
Emil Maurice – an early member of the Nazi Party, one of the co-founders of the Schutzstaffel (SS), and Hitler’s personal chauffeur and bodyguard. All SS officers had to prove racial purity back to 1750, and it turned out that Maurice had Jewish ancestry: Charles Maurice Schwartzenberger (1805-1896), the founder of the Thalia Theater in Hamburg, was his great-grandfather. Nevertheless, Hitler stood by his “old friend” and made an exception for Maurice and his brothers, who were declared “Honorary Aryans” by the Nazis and allowed to stay in the SS.
Incidentally, it has been claimed that Maurice was a homosexual who was involved in a romantic relationship with Hitler. Supposedly, Maurice was only one of Hitler’s numerous male “lovers”.
Rudolf Schmundt |
Rudolf Schmundt – Jewish officer and adjutant to Hitler. From 1942 to 1944, Schmundt commanded the German Army Personnel Office, a military agency that dealt with the personnel matters of all officers and cadets in the Wehrmacht.
Reinhard Heydrich. Noting the closely set, slanting eyes, the hooked nose, the thick lips, and the attached earlobes, what ethnicity can we safely infer that he descends from? The answer certainly is not German.
Reinhard Heydrich – Jewish SS and police official in Nazi Germany who is considered a main architect of “the Holocaust”. Reinhard’s father, Bruno Heydrich (real name: Suess), was a curly-haired Jewish musician, opera singer, and composer. Throughout his life, Heydrich sought to suppress details of his Jewish ancestry, and he is said to have erased the suggestive Jewish first name “Sarah” from his mother’s gravestone. At any rate, Hitler had a good impression of Heydrich, and was said to believe that his “non-Aryan” roots would guarantee his obedience.
“When Heydrich was a child in Halle, neighborhood children made fun of him, calling him ‘Isi’ (Izzy), short for Isidor, a name with a Jewish connotation.
“When he served in the navy, many of his comrades believed he was Jewish. Some called him the ‘blond Moses’.
“Others who lived in Halle have claimed that everybody believed that his father, the musician Bruno Heydrich, was a Jew.
“Half-Jew Alice Schaper nee Rohr, who took piano lessons from Bruno, claimed, ‘We all knew he was Jewish. …He looked just like a typical Jew.’
“In town, Bruno was called Isidor Suess behind his back. With such rumors going around, it was not surprising that Heydrich felt continually burdened by these allegations, especially when he served as an SS general.”
- Bryan Mark Rigg, author of Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers (2002)
Heinz Heydrich |
Heinz Heydrich – Reinhard Heydrich’s younger brother, likewise a member of the Nazi Party, who attained the rank of SS-Obersturmfuehrer (lieutenant), and editor and publisher of the pro-Nazi newspaper Die Panzerfaust. He helped many Jews escape the war supposedly by forging identity documents, which he printed using Die Panzerfaust presses.
Arthur Nebe
Arthur Nebe – hook-nosed Jewish chief of Nazi Germany’s Kriminalpolizei (Criminal Police), or Kripo. He obtained the rank of SS-Gruppenfuehrer, the SS equivalent to the rank of a police general, in November 1941. Nebe assumed the additional role of President of the International Criminal Police Commission, or Interpol in June 1942.
Hans Krebs |
Hans Krebs – Jewish Nazi SS-Brigadefuehrer from Czechoslovakia. In the 1930s, he wrote two books that demanded the assimilation of the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia into Nazi Germany. Krebs participated in persecuting political opponents of the Nazi regime in Czechoslovakia, and was Chief Executive Officer of the Reich Ministry of the Interior during World War II.
Wilhelm Canaris |
Wilhelm Canaris – Jewish Nazi commander who was known as “an enthusiastic National Socialist”. During the Nazi regime, Canaris was head of the Abwehr, or the German military intelligence service. He assisted many Jews during WWII by getting them out of harm’s way. His family was originally from Greece, and was of Jewish origin. A Jewish organization named Chabad Lubavitch has publicly favored Canaris’ recognition by the Jewish community.
Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski
Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski – high-ranking SS commander. During World War II, he was in charge of security warfare against those deemed as ideological enemies and other persons believed to be a danger to Nazi rule. In 1944 he led the suppression of the Warsaw Uprising. Not surprisingly, all three of his sisters married Jewish men.
“One of [Zelewski’s] sisters had married a Jewish musician whom he had been rather fond of, but they had been forced to emigrate to Brazil after the Nazis came to power. Her husband had been born in Bialystok, and still had relatives living there.”
- Ray Montgomery and Bob O’Dell, The List (2019)
Leopold von Mildenstein
Leopold von Mildenstein – Jewish Nazi SS officer. Von Mildenstein was a “Zionist advocate” who was in contact with numerous prominent “Zionists”. This included the Jew Kurt Tuchler, who was an active board member of the “Zionist Association for Germany”. Even after World War II, von Mildenstein remained in contact with the Tuchler family.
The Nazi slogan “Blood and Soil” (Blut und Boden) inspired von Mildenstein, who adopted the term, to become a proponent of Jewish rights.
Karl Hermann Frank
Karl Hermann Frank – prominent Jewish Nazi official in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia prior to and during World War II. Attaining the rank of Obergruppenfuehrer, he was in command of the Nazi police apparatus in the Protectorate, including the Gestapo, the SD, and the Kripo.
Wilhelm Frick
Wilhelm Frick – an early and prominent Jewish Nazi politician and lawyer who was Reich Minister of the Interior in Hitler’s cabinet from 1933 to 1943, and head of the Kriminalpolizei. Frick played a major role in drafting Nazi racial laws, including the Nuremberg Laws which were enacted on September 15, 1935. Frick also played an instrumental part in the consolidation of Nazi power, such as developing the Enabling Act of 1933, which allowed Hitler to pass laws without the involvement of the Reichstag (German parliament).
Erich von Manstein
Erich von Manstein – Jewish commander of the Wehrmacht (Nazi Germany’s armed forces) during World War II. Manstein attained the rank of Field Marshal in 1942. Manstein’s biological father, Eduard von Lewinski, was of Jewish ancestry, and his pedigree included an ancestor named Levi.
Robert Ley
Robert Ley – Jewish head of the German Labor Front. His surname was a polished form of the Jewish name “Levy”.
Adolf Eichmann. Is the Jewish-looking face and the Jewish-sounding surname not enough of a clue?
Adolf Eichmann – just another hook-nosed, curly-haired Jew who was employed to dissuade the people from thinking for themselves. Eichmann’s stepmother had Jewish relations and Eichmann associated with Jews. Eichmann knew Hebrew, had Jewish friends, was employed by Jews as an oil and kerosene salesman, and had Jewish relatives by marriage. The Jews gave him a medal for his work in helping to move many of the Jews in Europe to “Israel”.
Hans Frank
Hans Frank – Hitler’s legal adviser. The son of a Jewish lawyer from Bamberg, Frank served as head of the General Government in Poland during the Second World War.
Wilhelm Stuckart
Wilhelm Stuckart – lawyer, official, and a state secretary in the Reich Interior Ministry who was one of the leading Nazi legal experts. Stuckart was the son of a Jewish railway employee. He focused especially on public administration and racial laws. Stuckart co-write the Nuremberg Laws (the Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor and the Reich Citizenship Law) of 1935, which supposedly deprived Jews of German citizenship and civil rights.
Ernst Achenbach
Ernst Achenbach – Jewish Nazi lawyer and politician. Achenbach joined the Nazi Party in 1937. During World War II he served in the German Embassy in Paris and served as head of the Political Department. He helped implement the deportation of Jews to concentration camps.
Gregor Strasser
Gregor Strasser – early and prominent Jewish Nazi official and politician. Strasser became a member of the Nazi Party in 1920 and quickly became an influential figure. He took part in the abortive Beer Hall Putsch in Munich in 1923. Strasser played a major role in popularizing the Nazi movement, and helped to greatly increase the Nazi Party’s membership and reputation in Northern Germany.
Julius Streicher (Abraham Goldberg)
Julius Streicher (Abraham Goldberg) – founder and publisher of Der Stuermer, a weekly newspaper that attacked Jews. While most of the information in Der Stuermer regarding Jews seems to have been true, including the Jewish lust for sexual perversions and Jewish promiscuous behavior, Streicher himself was well-known for his sexually perversive mentality and his strong sexual appetite, which was no doubt fomented by his Jewish descent. Thus, Streicher aided in discrediting the anti-Jewish cause by claiming opposition to Jewish degeneracy and corruption when he himself played a part in the actions and promotion of Jewish degeneracy.
Streicher was a bisexual sadist and a publisher of pornography who was one of the very few party comrades with whom Hitler ever had an intimate relationship. The name may well have been a clue; before meeting Hitler, Streicher was a schoolteacher well-known for beating and raping his students.
Streicher’s newspaper, Der Stuermer, was filled with erotic diatribes against the Jews, and he reviled the Jews for acts which he himself frequently succumbed to. Presumably, this was a “defense mechanism”. Through his newspaper, Streicher shifted his own sexual excesses towards a more appropriate group for attack while indulging in the very sexual immorality which he claimed to detest. Hitler, who was a collector of pornography, frequently told his confidants that Der Stuermer was the only news publication that he read from cover to cover.
During the Nuremberg trials, Streicher admitted, “Our model was the Jewish law.” Streicher’s real name, Abraham Goldberg, was announced after his hanging on October 16, 1946.
Streicher supposedly resembled Hitler’s father Alois, a libertine and domineering personality who reveled in beating and raping his wife and children.
Joseph Goebbels
Joseph Goebbels – a typical weak-minded, work-abhorring, womanizing Jewish degenerate and deceiver, who also happened to be Minister of Propaganda in Germany. Goebbels was most strongly influenced by the work of the world-famous propagandist Edward Bernays, who was a known Jew. He was in control of the media in Germany – and, if that isn’t enough, he was in multiple affairs with women in the theater industry. If that still isn’t enough, his romantic partner was openly Jewish.
Goebbels apparently was Jewish from his mother, who came from the Netherlands – a country where, unironically, many Jews still reside since the expulsion of practicing Jews from Spain and Portugal, and their subsequent emigration from the Iberian peninsula to the Netherlands, a country that welcomed these unfortunate creatures with open arms. During his school years he was given the nickname “Rabbi”.
This Jew was the one responsible for portraying a favorable image of Hitler and the Nazi Party to the German public, thereby contributing to Hitler’s seizure of power. He would later prolong the war through his call for “Total War” in Germany, which would result in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of additional people – all this, while this club-footed Jew was living a life of luxury safe from all the bloodshed and destruction.
Goebbels claimed to represent the German people, yet a cursory examination of his portrait is enough for anyone to grasp that he himself looked nothing like the ideal German types which were incessantly portrayed in the propaganda posters, books, and pamphlets which his Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda published and issued to the people. Does all this not seem very suspicious?
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”
- Joseph Goebbels
“Let me control the media and I will turn any nation into a herd of pigs.”
- Joseph Goebbels
Magda Goebbels (née Ritschel)
Magda Goebbels (née Ritschel) – wife of Joseph Goebbels. Magda joined the Nazi Party in 1930.
During her school days Magda met and became friends with Lisa Arlosoroff, a Jew. Magda met Haim Arlosoroff, Lisa’s brother and an ardent “Zionist”, at university and the two would eventually become lovers. Magda learned Hebrew and actively supported Haim in “Zionist” affairs. Magda wore a necklace with the Star of David, which Haim had given to her as a love token.
Magda Goebbels’ stepfather, Richard Friedlaender, was Jewish. It has been reported that Friedlaender was actually Magda’s biological father.
Hans Fritzsche |
Hans Fritzsche – Jewish senior Nazi official who was Ministerial Director of the Reich Ministry of Enlightenment and Propaganda, who was also the most famous broadcaster and radio commentator in Germany. His voice was recognized by the majority of Germans.
Rudolf Hess
Rudolf Hess – Jewish Deputy Fuehrer of the Nazi Party from 1933 to 1941. The son of a prosperous merchant, Hess signed the 1935 Nuremberg Laws.
Hess was given the nickname “Black Paula” in the homosexual community of Berlin, a community of which he was said to be an active member in the pre-Nazi milieu of Weimar Germany.
It has been speculated that Rudolf Hess may have been descended from Moses Hess, the Jew who coined the term “National Socialism” who was also Karl Marx’s teacher (listed below).
Albert Forster |
Albert Forster – Jewish Nazi politician and a member of the SS who was a convicted “war criminal”.
Max Simon
Max Simon – Jewish SS commander and convicted “war criminal”. He was one of the first members of the SS during the early 1930s.
Alfred Rosenberg
Alfred Rosenberg – chief ideologist of the NSDAP. Rosenberg was born in Russia to a wealthy merchant family of Jewish, French, and Estonian ancestry. Though he was one of the staunchest proponents of “Aryan German supremacy”, it is said that not a single drop of German blood existed in Rosenberg’s family tree.
Rosenberg was an atheist whose goal was to replace the Christian Bible with Mein Kampf. Incidentally, atheism has been the “religion” towards which the majority of the Jewish tribe has historically inclined. The Jewish Talmud is also said to have had a prepotent influence on Rosenberg’s philosophy, and was a model text for the ideology of the Nazi Party.
Very Jewish-looking face if there ever was one.
Alfred Meyer – Nazi Party leader of North Westphalia from 1930 to 1945 and the Imperial Lieutenant in Lippe and Schaumburg-Lippe from 1933 to 1945. By the time of his death at the end of World War II in Europe, he was a State Secretary and Deputy Reichsminister in the Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories. He represented the ministry with Georg Leibbrandt in the Wannsee Conference. In 1939, Meyer was made Chief of Civil Administration and in 1941 he became deputy to Alfred Rosenberg in the Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories. Meyer was responsible for the departments of politics, administration and economics. He attended the Wannsee Conference in January 1942 as a representative for Rosenberg. In November that year, he was also made Reich Defence Commissioner of northern Westphalia.
Walter Gross
Walter Gross – head of the Office of Racial Policy and founder of the popular Nazi magazine Neues Volk. Very Jewish-looking face with a very Jewish-sounding name. Gross also was a physician, a career choice which is dominated by Jews.
A survey of “Walter Grosses” shows a number of other Jewish people sharing the same name. One “Walter Gross” was a Jewish musician from New York City (b. 1909). Yet another was an actor who, despite his Jewish origins was included in the “God-gifted list”, a 36-page selection of artists considered “crucial to Nazi German culture” by Goebbels and by Hitler himself. Those on the list were exempted from military mobilization.
This obvious Jew was considered a German and was accepted by the Nazi Party? Who are these Jews trying to fool?
Theodor Morell – Hitler’s personal Jewish physician. Morell, a gynecologist (!), joined the Nazi Party when Hitler came to power in 1933. He assisted Hitler daily in virtually everything he did for several years and was beside Hitler until the last stages of the Battle of Berlin.
Morell was granted high awards by Hitler, and became a multi-millionaire from business deals with the Nazi government made possible by his status. This treacherous Jew resorted to prescribing drugs when faced with medical problems in his patients, which reminds one of the Jewish-dominated medical field today.
Other Nazis like Hermann Goering and Heinrich Himmler – perhaps neither of whom were Jewish – dismissed Morell as a quack, which all Jewish medical doctors are. Yet Hitler always had the Jew Morell by his side and always defended him, despite the obviously Jewish face and the even more obviously Jewish behavior of the physician.
Was Hitler really poisoned by this Jewish physician near the end of the war, as historians claim? I doubt it. Why would a Jew poison a fellow Jew? Both Hitler and Morell were Jews; both must have known what each was doing.
Hitler hired Morell and placed him in his inner circle in order to poison his close associates, to try to confuse them, to weaken them, to inhibit their freedom of action and their use of intellect, and to make them obey Hitler’s commands, however ridiculous these commands might be. Jews could then impute Hitler’s ridiculous orders throughout the war as a result of his drug usage, when actually, Hitler was fully aware of his destructive actions and the consequences of the orders he would give his officers and his advisers.
Throughout the war, Hitler refused his generals from issuing strategic retreats, calling them “cowards” for suggesting so. His order at every military loss was “Do not retreat”. At Stalingrad, this order cost Germany an entire army. At El Alamein, only Rommel’s direct disobedience of this order prevented the decisive Allied victory from becoming a catastrophe for Germany. At Normandy, it cost Germany nearly all the armor it had in the west, and wasted many more thousands of lives that could have been better used elsewhere.
Hitler obviously knew what he was doing. As a Jew, Hitler lusted for destruction, disorder, and chaos in Germany and the rest of the world. That’s why he made those “stupid” mistakes in the war. He carefully planned his military orders for maximum damage and destruction against humanity. All this was happening while the Jews were being coddled away in so-called “concentration camps”.
To Hitler’s indignation, this attempt to poison others in his circle with drugs turned out to be a largely unsuccessful operation, as common sense prevented these men from following the advice of a Jewish crook, despite his high-sounding medical degree, and despite the orders being made by the Fuehrer. For instance, when Hitler’s personal servant Krause had a cold and was advised to go to Morell for a shot, Krause answered: “I wouldn’t allow Dr. Morell to give me a shot for then I would have to go to him forever.” Hitler’s advice turned into an order, but Krause disobeyed. Krause was fired and got replaced by another servant.
This story of Hitler’s physician shows that people with degrees, especially medical degrees, should not be trusted any more than people who don’t have degrees. These people got promoted by the Jews for a reason. These people got their degrees because they support the Jewish cause and because they believe or otherwise support the Jewish propaganda and deception fed to them by the Jewish “educational” (propaganda) institutions.
Heinrich Hoffmann – Hitler’s official photographer, and a publisher and politician who was an early supporter of the Nazi Party and a member of Hitler’s “inner circle”. He joined the Nazi Party in 1920. Hoffmann received royalties from all uses of Hitler’s photograph, which made him a millionaire during the Nazi regime.
Hoffmann was also a pornographer who took numerous photographs of nude women. It is reported that Hitler himself took great pleasure viewing these obscene photographs.
Emma Goering (née Sonnemann) |
Emma Goering (née Sonnemann) – Jewish actress and the second wife of Nazi Luftwaffe Commander-in-Chief Hermann Goering. She became a member of the Nazi Party in 1938.
As the hostess of many Nazi state ceremonies, Goering was conferred the title “First Lady of the Third Reich”.

Robert Ritter von Greim – Nazi military commander who succeeded Hermann Goering as head of the Luftwaffe in 1945.
Karl Ritter
Karl Ritter – Jewish film producer, director, and script writer of Nazi propaganda movies. The son of a Jewish music professor and a Jewish opera singer, Ritter was the producer of Hitlerjunge Quex, among other important Nazi propaganda films.
Hans Ertl |
Hans Ertl – Jewish cameraman during the Nazi regime. Ertl helped Leni Riefenstahl direct Nazi propaganda films such as Olympia (1938), for which he was the photography director.
Hanns Johst
Hanns Johst – Jewish author who was a supporter of the Nazi movement. Johst joined the Nazi Party in 1932. His works were officially supported by the Nazis. Following the Nazis’ rise to power, Johst wrote a play, Schlageter, an expression of the Nazi ideology that was first performed on Hitler’s 44th birthday in honor of his victory in 1933.
John Amery
Amery was of openly Jewish ancestry; his grandmother was a Jew from Hungary. He made propaganda broadcasts for Hitler.
Hugo Boss
Hugo Boss – founder of the clothing company Hugo Boss AG, which produced the signature black uniforms of the SS. He joined the Nazi Party in 1931. Boss’s mother, Luise Muenzenmayer, was Jewish.
Following the rise of the Nazi Party in the 1930s, Boss produced and sold Nazi uniforms for the Schutzstaffel (SS), the Sturmabteilung (SA), the Hitler Youth, and other Nazi organizations, including later the Wehrmacht.
Ernst Heinkel
Ernst Heinkel – Jewish manufacturer and designer of aircraft for Nazi Germany. His company, Heinkel Flugzeugwerke, produced the Heinkel He 178, the world’s first turbojet aircraft and jet plane, and the Heinkel He 176, the first rocket aircraft. Designs by Heinkel’s firm formed a vital part of the Luftwaffe’s growing strength in the years leading up to the Second World War. This included the Heinkel He 59, the Heinkel He 115, and the Heinkel He 111. He was designated a Wehrwirtschaftfuehrer (defense industry leader) by the German government for his commitment to rearmament. Heinkel was awarded the German National Prize for Art and Science in 1938.
Wernher von Braun
Wernher von Braun (?) – physicist and a member of the Nazi Party. In 1930, von Braun attended the Technische Hochschule Berlin, where he joined the Spaceflight Society (Verein für Raumschiffahrt or “VfR”) and assisted one of its founders, the Jew Willy Ley (does this surname sound familiar?) in his liquid-fueled rocket motor tests in conjunction with Hermann Oberth. When Ley left Germany because he was a Jew, von Braun took over the leadership of the Verein and changed its activity to military development. After the war, von Braun, along with hundreds of other Nazi physicists, collaborated with the Soviet Union and the United States (most notably with NASA, which was created by Jewish president Dwight David Eisenhower) to improve their missile and aerospace engineering capabilities, contributing to the faked moon landing story and the lie about a “space war” between Russia and the United States.
Kurt Debus
Kurt Debus – Jewish physicist of Nazi Germany. Debus joined the SS in 1940. He was appointed by Hitler as the V-weapons flight test director, and was actively involved in the Nazis’ rocket research program during World War II. He became the first director of NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in 1962. Under Debus’ leadership, NASA built and launched rockets for its Apollo program.
Erhard Milch
Milch had confirmed Jewish ancestry; he was granted “Aryan” status by Hitler. He was Luftwaffe Field Marshal in Nazi Germany.
Bernhard Rogge
Rogge was openly Jewish. He was an admiral for Nazi Germany.
Paul Ascher
Ascher was openly Jewish and was a Nazi Commander.
Johannes Zukertort
Walter Hollaender
Hollaender was openly Jewish; he served as a colonel for Nazi Germany. Hollaender was awarded the Ritterkreuz (Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross) in July 1943, the highest award in the Nazi military and paramilitary forces during World War II.
Helmuth Wilberg
Wilberg was a Nazi Luftwaffe general; he was openly Jewish.
Alexander Loehr
Loehr was openly Jewish; his mother was a Jewish nurse from Ukraine. A commander of the Austrian Air Force in the 1930s, Loehr became a Luftwaffe commander following the Nazi annexation of Austria in March 1938.
Anton Mayer
Mayer was openly Jewish and served in Hitler’s army.
Werner Goldberg
Werner Goldberg – openly Jewish soldier who served in Hitler’s army. Goldberg was featured by the Nazis as a “model Aryan soldier” and his image was later used in recruitment posters and propaganda for the Wehrmacht.
Horst Geitner
Geitner was openly Jewish; he was awarded the Iron Cross in World War II.
Kurt Knispel
Kurt Knispel – Jewish tank commander of Nazi Germany. He destroyed 168 tanks, making him the most successful fighter in armored warfare.
Hermann Aub
Hermann Aub – Nazi soldier who was openly Jewish.
Alfons Heck
Alfons Heck – prominent Jewish member of the Hitlerjugend (Hitler Youth), Nazi Germany’s youth organization. Heck became a Hitler Youth Officer and a fanatical devotee of the Nazi Party.
After the war, Heck became well-known through Jewish documentaries covering the Nazi regime, including an HBO film called Heil Hitler! Confessions of a Hitler Youth, as well as two published books and other coverage granted to him by the Jewish media.
Otto Skorzeny
Otto Skorzeny – Jewish Obersturmbannfuehrer (lieutenant colonel) in the Waffen-SS during World War II. Beginning in 1962, Skorzeny was recruited by and conducted operations for the Jewish Mossad.
Martin Bormann
In August 1944, Bormann was ready to transfer the Nazis’ stolen wealth (gold, money, stocks, paintings, bearer bonds, blue chips, etc.) into 750 new corporations in countries such as Belgium, Holland, Sweden, Luxembourg, Switzerland, and Argentina. He also made use of IG Farben to hide the Nazi loot, as Henry Ford had done. After World War II, he set up 750 corporations in neutral countries, primed as vehicles to receive the liquid wealth of Germany in addition to patents and other proprietary industrial information. Controlling Germany’s major corporations, the Federal Republic itself, and much of Latin America, the Bormann Organization also maintained a formidable circle of influence in the United States. Bormann’s son also visited Israel in April 1993.
Hjalmar Schacht
In 1934, Hitler got Schacht to manage the Nazi economy. Schacht was a Jewish Rothschild agent, and he spoke Hebrew.
From 1933, Schacht had Max Warburg on the board of the Reichsbank until Warburg’s emigration in 1938.
Walther Funk
Walther Funk – Nazi official who served as Reich Minister for Economic Affairs (!) from 1938 to 1945, Chief Press Officer, and State Secretary at the Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda. In 1938, he assumed the title of Chief Plenipotentiary for Economics. He also became Reich Minister of Economics in February 1938, replacing Hjalmar Schacht.
The very “Jewish-looking” Funk was born to a “merchant family”. This by itself would seem very suspicious, as the majority of merchants in Europe have been of Jewish descent. According to his colleagues, Funk was a talented musician. He was dismissed from service during WWI for being “physically unfit”, which is a story very typical of Jews. Funk also had diabetes, which is a much more common disease among Jews than Europeans.
Fritz Todt
Fritz Todt – Jewish construction engineer and senior Nazi, who rose from the position of Inspector General for German Roadways, where he directed the construction of the German Autobahns (Reichsautobahnen), to become the Reich Minister for Armaments and Ammunition. From that position he directed the entire German wartime military economy. At the beginning of World War II he initiated what Hitler named Organisation Todt, a military-engineering company, which supplied industry with forced labor and administered construction of the Nazi concentration camps in the late phase of Nazi Germany.
Karl Frenzel
Karl Frenzel – Jewish SS officer of Sobibór concentration camp.
In 1929, at the age of 18, Frenzel met his first romantic partner, who was also Jewish.
As the commandant, he supposedly supervised the Special squad of Jewish prisoners who were forced to handle the killing procedure and also herded the victims into the gas chambers. Frenzel was later sent to participate in Sondertruppe R in Trieste and Fiume, which confiscated the houses of deported Jews in Italy.
Hans Eppinger
Eppinger was of openly Jewish origin. He was an SS doctor, and allegedly performed experiments upon concentration camp prisoners.
Rudolf Spanner |
Rudolf Spanner – Jewish physician who was a member of the Nazi Party.
The “Jewish soap” hearsay, in which Jewish bodies were used as an ingredient in soap production, has its origins in Spanner’s Anatomical Institute in Danzig. The claim that soap was produced from the bodies of Jews in concentration camps was later discredited by “mainstream” scholarly circles.
Paul-Werner Hoppe |
Paul-Werner Hoppe – a Jewish Nazi who became a member of the SS in 1933 and was an Obersturmbannfuehrer (lieutenant colonel). Hoppe was commandant of Stutthof concentration camp from 1942 to 1945.
Arno Spitz – Jewish paratrooper who served in Hitler’s army. By the end of World War II, Spitz had received three Iron Crosses by the Nazi Party.
Friedrich Keiter – Jewish anthropologist and physician who worked for the Nazi regime. Despite his Jewish origins, Keiter applied for the Nazi Party and was admitted in 1940.
At the 1935 World Population Congress in Berlin, Keiter declared that the elimination of Judaism had a “curative effect on the German people”. His maternal grandfather, who was born Jewish and was baptized early, was erased from the family tree in 1938 by a statement from his grandmother, in which she claimed that she had been impregnated out of wedlock by a person of “German blood”.

Fritz Lenz (?) – another Jewish (?) physician and influential “eugenicist”. Lenz’s work on race and his eugenic ideology had a substantial influence on the Nazis. During the Nazi era he oversaw the Party’s racial policies.
Lenz joined the Nazi Party in 1938. In 1927, he expressed loathing towards “anti-Semites”, and even credited the creation of Christianity to the Jews (!). Throughout his professional life, Lenz felt no qualms about disparaging the non-European human races. Apparently to him, everyone except the Europeans and the Jews were “inferior”.
Once the Nazis seized power, Lenz called Jews a foreign “enemy”. According to post-World War II Lenz, the Jews were now “racially Europeans”. One wonders what had transformed the “enemy” Jews to a “European” people in so brief a period.
The ridiculous and contradictory nature of these statements is not hard to identify. They bespeak dishonesty.
Incidentally, Lenz’s behavior reminds one of the ways of many within the “white nationalist” and neo-Nazi movements today: While they will claim to detest Jews, in reality, they direct far more of their vitriol against the non-Jewish, non-European, human races than against the Jewish race/species. And many of the figures they admire are of Jewish blood. Know them by what they really do, not by what is claimed. Know them by the sum of what they do, not by their exceptions.
Jewish Nazi Collaborators
There were many Jews collaborating with Hitler’s Nazi movement.
Look into the Judenrat (Jewish councils), a Jewish administrative agency that helped the Nazis in identifying Jews and rounding them up in camps, for example.
The Żagiew (“The Torch”), also known as Żydowska Gwardia Wolności (“Jewish Freedom Guard”), was a Nazi-collaborationist Jewish agent-provocateur group in German-occupied Poland, led by Abraham Gancwajch, a Jew.
The Group Thirteen network (Polish: Trzynastka, Yiddish: דאָס דרײַצענטל) was another Jewish collaborationist organisation in the Warsaw Ghetto during the German occupation of Poland in World War II.
The Jewish Ghetto Police or Jewish Police Service (German: Jüdische Ghetto-Polizei or Jüdischer Ordnungsdienst), also called the Jewish Police by Jews, were auxiliary police units organized within the Nazi ghettos by local Judenrat.
Jewish kapos, or prisoner functionaries (German: Funktionshäftling), were prisoners in Nazi camps who were assigned by the SS guards to supervise forced labor or carry out administrative tasks.
Revisionist Maximalism was a short-lived Jewish movement and fascist ideology which was part of the Brit HaBirionim faction of the Zionist Revisionist Movement (ZRM) created by Abba Ahimeir. Revisionist Maximalists strongly supported the Italian fascist regime of Benito Mussolini and wanted the creation of a Jewish state based on fascist principles. The Revisionist Maximalists became the largest faction in the ZRM in 1930 but collapsed in support in 1933 after Ahimeir’s decision to support Nazi Germany.
Eva Braun
Eva Braun – Hitler’s Jewish wife.
Recent DNA analysis of the Fuehrer’s wife’s hair has shown Braun’s maternal ancestry to be “strongly associated with Ashkenazi Jews” (mitochondrial DNA haplogroup N1b1), many of whom converted to Catholicism in Germany during the nineteenth century.
Eduard Bloch
Eduard Bloch – Hitler’s Jewish family physician, who was referred to by Hitler as an Edeljude (“noble Jew”). He enjoyed Hitler’s personal protection during the Nazi regime. Bloch was said to have had a personal fondness for the Hitler family.
Leni Riefenstahl
Leni Riefenstahl – official film propagandist for the Nazi Party. Riefenstahl was involved in the Jewish-dominated theater and dramatic art. Oriental physical appearance aside, does anything else need to be mentioned to prove her Jewish descent? She even was married to a Jew named Peter Jacob and associated with openly Jewish people throughout her personal and professional life. Her movies have been praised by Nazis and the “mainstream” alike.
Ferdinand Marian (Ferdinand Haschkowetz) |
Ferdinand Marian (real name: Ferdinand Haschkowetz) – Jewish theater and film actor, who is best known for playing the role of the Jewish banker Joseph Suess Oppenheimer in the 1940 Nazi film Jud Suess, which is generally regarded as “one of the most antisemitic films of all time”.
Haschkowetz’s first marriage was to a Jewish pianist named Irene Saager, with whom he had one daughter. His second wife’s former husband, Julius Gellner, was also Jewish. Haschkowetz and his wife would later protect the Jew Gellner by hiding him in their home.
Herschel Chaim Steinschneider (Erik Jan Hanussen)
Herschel Chaim Steinschneider (Erik Jan Hanussen) – Hitler’s psychic and personal instructor on public speaking and the attainment of dramatic effect. Hanussen taught Hitler his crowd-controlling methods, which included the use of gestures and dramatic pauses. He also was close to other important Nazi officials, to whom he lent money, including Wolf-Heinrich Graf von Helldorf, Karl Ernst, and Friedrich Wilhelm Ohst. Supposedly, Hanussen had “predicted” the Reichstag building fire in 1933 which transformed Hitler’s chancellorship into a dictatorship and enabled him to seize absolute power in Germany.
Felix Krueger
Felix Krueger – Jewish psychology professor who supported the Nazi regime. One of Krueger’s grandparents was confirmed to be Jewish. In 1929 he became one of the founding members of Alfred Rosenberg’s Militant League for German Culture. Following the Nazis’ seizure of power in 1933, Krueger wrote, “This is not only about the future of Germany. Ethics and thus the life of the white race are at stake.”
Heinrich Poll
Heinrich Poll – Jewish geneticist who became an influential figure in the eugenics movement in Nazi Germany.
“In the context of his specialist field, Poll dealt with concepts that came close to eugenics. The anatomist knew that his work had a political meaning and repeatedly made racial hygiene demands. In 1923, as an advisory member of the Prussian State Health Council’s Committee for Racial Hygiene and Population Studies, he worked on guidelines for the voluntary sterilization of people with hereditary diseases. For many years he was a member of the Society for Racial Hygiene and the German Federation for Public Awareness (Deutschen Bund für Volksaufartung).
“After the National Socialists took power , Poll was initially considered a reputable eugenicist. Among his academic students was the hereditary biologist Günther Just. In 1932 he was involved in a conference of the Central Institute for Education and Instruction, which dealt with questions of hereditary biology and should prepare work weeks for teachers for the coming years. After Heinz Lohmann, a representative of the Deutsche Lecturers, reported him as a ‘non-Aryan’, Poll had to give up the chair.”
Horst Geyer – another Jewish Nazi “eugenicist”. Geyer joined the Nazi Party in 1937, and despite having a Jewish grandfather, he was also a member of the SS.
Geyer was the sole assistant to the prominent eugenicist and known Judeophile Fritz Lenz at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Human Genetics and Eugenics (KWI-A). (Some believe that Lenz himself was also a Jew.)
Albrecht Haushofer
Albrecht Haushofer – openly Jewish professor of politics and foreign studies during the Nazi regime and a supporter of the Nazi Party. Albrecht was the son of Martha Mayer-Doss, a Jew, and Karl Haushofer, also a professor and an expert on military strategy whose militaristic-geographic ideas (i.e., “Lebensraum”) were adopted by the Nazi Party.
Deputy Fuehrer Hess, who was a close friend of Albrecht’s father Karl, succeeded in issuing Albrecht a German Blood Certificate to exempt him from his Mischling (partly Jewish) status. Hess also protected Martha Mayer-Doss, Albrecht’s Jewish mother, from the racial laws of the Nazi Party. Haushofer took part in planning Hess’s flight to Scotland in 1941.
Oscar Levy
Oscar Levy – openly Jewish writer with connections to Nazi racial ideology. Levy wrote the introduction to the most popular English translation of the racial theorist Arthur de Gobineau’s work Essai sur l’inégalité des races humaines (“The Inequality of Human Races”, translated by Adrian Collins (1915)), which became one of the foundational works of Nazi racial ideology.
Levy was also the chief editor of the authorized English translation of the works of the German atheistic philosopher Nietzsche. The project reached eighteen volumes. A number of Nietzsche’s ideas were later adopted by the Nazis, who glorified him. Nietzsche himself was well-known for being an admirer of the Jews.
In a book by George Pitt-Rivers entitled The World Significance of the Russian Revolution, written shortly after World War I, Levy made the following prophetic remarks:
“The question of the Jews and their influence on the world past and present, cuts to the root of all things, and should be discussed by every honest thinker, however bristling with difficulties it is, however complex the subject as well as the individuals of this race may be…
“If you are anti-Semite, I, the Semite, am an anti-Semite too, and a much more fervent one than even you are… We [Jews] have erred, my friend, we have most grievously erred. And if there was truth in our error 3,000, 2,000, nay even 100 years ago, there is now nothing but falsehood and madness, a madness that will produce an even greater misery and an even wider anarchy. I confess it to you, openly and sincerely, and with a sorrow whose depth and pain an ancient Psalmist, and only he, could moan into this burning universe of ours… We who have posed as the saviours of the world, we who have boasted of having given it ‘the’ Saviour, we are today nothing else but the world’s seducers, its destroyers, its incendiaries, its executioners…”
How many more of these “racist” and “anti-Semitic” Jews have there been throughout world history?
Savitri Devi
Savitri Devi – Greek Jew who collaborated with both the Allies and the Axis during World War II. She claimed Hitler was a hero all through her life. Devi was a leader of neo-Nazi underground movements during the 1960s. She allegedly converted to Hinduism and was a promoter of Jewish Occultism.
Miguel Joaquín Diego del Carmen Serrano Fernández |
Miguel Serrano (real name: Miguel Joaquín Diego del Carmen Serrano Fernández) – a Jew from Chile who supported the Nazi Party. Serrano later became a prominent figure in the neo-Nazi movement.
Adam Czerniaków
Adam Czerniaków – a Jewish engineer and senator who was head of the Warsaw Ghetto Jewish Council (Judenrat) during World War II.
Abraham Gancwajch
Abraham Gancwajch – an openly Jewish Nazi collaborator. He assisted the Nazis in the Warsaw Ghetto during the occupation of Poland in World War II, and was a Jewish “kingpin” of the ghetto underworld.
Ans van Dijk
Ans van Dijk – openly Jewish woman who collaborated with Nazi Germany during World War II.
Jacob Gens
Jacob Gens – Jewish head of the Vilnius Ghetto. Gens and his policemen helped Germans round up the Jews to concentration camps in Ponary from October-December 1941, and in liquidating several smaller ghettos from late 1942 to early 1943.
Stella Kuebler
Stella Kuebler – openly Jewish woman who collaborated with the Gestapo during World War II, “exposing” Berlin’s underground Jews.
Jakub Lejkin – a Jewish lawyer who was deputy commander at the Warsaw Ghetto; he played a leading role in the deportation of local Jews to concentration camps.
Eliezer Gruenbaum – Jewish son of Yitzhak Gruenbaum, a leader of the Zionist movement and later Minister of the Interior in Israel. Eliezer served as a kapo at Auschwitz concentration camp. After the war he was accused of collaboration with the Nazi Party and “mercilessly beating inmates”. He immigrated to Palestine in 1946.
Karol Hochberg – Jewish Nazi collaborator, who led the “Department for Special Affairs” within the Ústredňa Židov, the Judenrat in Bratislava which was created by the Nazis to direct the Jewish community of Slovakia. In 1942, Hochberg’s department worked on categorizing Jews for deportation.
Moshe Merin – Jewish head of the Judenrat in the Sosnowiec Ghetto during the Nazi German occupation of Poland in World War II. In January 1940, Merin was installed by the Nazis as leader of the Central Office of the Jewish Council of Elders in East Upper Silesia (German: Zentrale der Jüdische Ältestenräte Ostoberschlesien), responsible for some 45 Jewish communities of approximately 100,000 Polish Jews. Within a year, he controlled dozens of Judenräte. Merin aided the Nazis in the hunt for the leaders of Jewish groups, allegedly going so far as to place a request for their arrest and signing their execution orders himself. He did this with full cooperation of the Jewish Police Force, whose leader fervently defended Merin’s every decision. Merin later reconfigured the leadership of his councils by expelling those who opposed his methods, and by appointing Jews loyal to him, including his brother-in-law and Abraham Gancwajch, to carry out further Nazi orders in Sosnowiec and its surrounding area.
Józef Szeryński – Jewish police-colonel in interwar Poland, inspector for the Lublin district and later – during the Second World War – a commander of the Jewish Ghetto Police in Warsaw with recommendation from Adam Czerniaków. Szeryński was arrested by the Gestapo on May 1, 1942 for smuggling furs out of the Warsaw Ghetto for personal gain. He was released on the condition of leading the deportation action to Treblinka camp in July 1942. He remained at the helm of the Ghetto Police until the end of the Grossaktion Warsaw.
In the 1920s, Szeryński joined the police, reaching the rank of colonel. Following the Nazi invasion of Poland he was briefly arrested by the Nazis. After his release Szynkman moved from Lublin to Warsaw with his family and settled in the Warsaw Ghetto. On 9 November 1940, Szeryński was entrusted by Adam Czerniaków with organizing the Jewish Ghetto Police force collaborating with the Germans. The Jewish Police under Szeryński’s command participated in searches and arrests and gathering of deportees in the Umschlagplatz before they were sent to camps. Under Szeryński’s orders the Jewish Police made sure that children and the sick were first to be deported as they were the weakest.
As the Jewish Police commander, Szeryński was a privileged inhabitant of the Ghetto and was even exempt from the requirement of wearing an armband with the Star of David. On 1 May 1942 the Nazis arrested Szeryński accusing him of theft of fur coats confiscated from the ghetto population. His deputy Jakub Lejkin temporarily took his place as the Jewish Police commander. However, Szeryński was released on 26 July 1942 as the Germans realized that they needed his services to organize the massive deportations of ghetto Jews to Treblinka camp, which were carried out between 23 July and 21 September 1942.
On 18 January 1943, the German forces entered the Ghetto to carry out a massive deportation operation and eventually sent all the remaining ghetto inhabitants to camps. A few days after the deportations resumed, Szeryński committed suicide by ingesting cyanide.
Alfred Nossig
Alfred Nossig – Jewish Nazi collaborator who during World War II was imprisoned in the Warsaw Ghetto, where he became a member of the Judenrat. Nossig’s father exposed him to German culture and was an “activist” for Jewish rights in Galicia, serving as secretary of the Jewish community there. Alfred was a participant in the first World Zionist Congresses. Nossig continued to advocate in favor of Zionism and Jewish emigration for the rest of his life. In 1920, he was invited by the Polish government to mediate and create trust between it and Jewish leaders in Poland. After the Nazi German invasion of Poland in 1939, the Jews of Warsaw, including Nossig, were forced to move to the Warsaw Ghetto, where Nossig collaborated with the Abwehr and Gestapo, drawing up plans for Jewish emigration and submitting memoranda to the German authorities. Nossig provided regular reports to the Nazis during the deportation of Jewish residents to Nazi camps.
Rudolf Kastner
Rudolf Kastner – Jewish Nazi collaborator who assisted Eichmann in deporting nearly 800,000 Jews to concentration camps.
Calel Perechodnik
Calel Perechodnik – a Jew who joined the Jewish Ghetto Police in the Otwock Ghetto during the Nazi German occupation of Poland. In 1940, Perechodnik and his family, along with the 8,000 other Jews of Otwock, were relocated to the Otwock Ghetto. In February 1941 Perechodnik joined the Jewish Ghetto Police organized by the Judenrat on Nazi orders. In early 1942, the German authorities began the Ghetto liquidation action. The Jewish police were ordered to assist in the rounding up of Jews who were taken to the station and loaded onto freight trains heading for the Treblinka camp. Assured by the commandant of the Ghetto Police that his family would be protected, on August 19, 1942, Perechodnik brought his own wife and daughter to the ghetto’s main square. Subsequently, he was sent to a labor camp. Perechodnik wrote his memoir, published as Am I a Murderer?, between May 7 and August 19, 1943 in Warsaw, during his stay at the home of his Polish rescuer. His information is considered by various researchers and experts to be remarkably accurate, and according to these researchers, his notes show proof that the Jews at that time knew what was happening. Supposedly, he became very bitter toward the Jews and frequently criticized them, even blaming them for bringing these events on themselves because of their insistence on cultural and religious isolation.
Chaim Rumkowski
Chaim Rumkowski – head of the Jewish Council of Elders in the Łódź Ghetto appointed by Nazi Germany during the German occupation of Poland. Rumkowski accrued much power by transforming the ghetto into an industrial base manufacturing war supplies for the Wehrmacht. The Nazis liquidated the ghetto in 1944. On October 13, 1939, the Nazi Amtsleiter in Łódź appointed Rumkowski the Judenältester (“Chief Elder of the Jews”), head of the Ältestenrat (“Council of Elders”). In this position, Rumkowski reported directly to the Nazi ghetto administration, headed by Hans Biebow. The ghetto’s money or scrip, the so-called Rumki (sometimes Chaimki), was derived from his name, as it had been his idea. His face was put on the ghetto postage stamps and currency, which led to his sarcastic nickname “King Chaim”. Rumkowski also had the Jewish Ghetto Police under his control.
The Germans authorized Rumkowski as the “sole figure of authority in managing and organizing internal life in the ghetto”. Biebow from the first gave Rumkowski full power in organizing the ghetto. Rumkowski had leeway to organize the ghetto according to his own lights. Rumkowski is said to have boasted of his willingness to cooperate with the German authorities: “My motto is to be always at least ten minutes ahead of every German demand.” Łódź was the last ghetto in Central Europe to be liquidated.
Rumkowski did not allow public protests expressing dissent. With the help of the Jewish police, he violently broke up demonstrations. On occasion, he would request the Nazis to come and break up the commotion, which usually resulted in protesters being killed. The leaders of these groups were punished by not being allowed to earn a living. Sometimes the strikers and demonstrators were arrested, imprisoned, or shipped off to labor camps. By the spring of 1941, almost all opposition to Rumkowski had dissipated. In the beginning, the Germans were unclear of their own plans for the ghetto. They realized that the original plan of liquidating the ghetto by October 1940 could not take place, so they began to take Rumkowski’s labor agenda seriously. Forced labor became a staple of ghetto life, with Rumkowski running the effort. “In another three years,” he said, “the ghetto will be working like a clock.”
Rumkowski used his position as head of the Judenrat to confiscate property and businesses that were still being run by Jewish owners in the ghetto. He established numerous departments and institutions that dealt with all of the ghetto’s internal affairs, from housing tens of thousands of people, to distributing food rations. Welfare and health systems were also set up. For a time, his administration maintained seven hospitals, seven pharmacies, and five clinics employing hundreds of doctors and nurses.
Rumkowski helped maintain school facilities. Forty-seven schools remained in operation schooling 63% of school-age children. There was no education in any other ghetto as advanced as in Łódź. He helped set up a “Culture House” where cultural gatherings including plays, orchestra and other performances could take place. He was very involved in the particulars of these events, including hiring and firing performers and editing the content of the shows.
Due to Rumkowski’s harsh treatment, and stern, arrogant personality, the Jews began to blame him for their predicament, and unleashed their frustration on him instead of the Nazis, who were beyond their reach. The most significant display of this frustration and resistance was a series of strikes and demonstrations between August 1940 and spring of 1941. Led by “activists” and leftist parties against Rumkowski, the workers abandoned their stations and went to the streets handing out fliers.
Rumkowski took an active role in the rounding up of Jews. Rumkowski aimed at fulfilling the Nazi demands with the help of their own Orpo Security Police if necessary. His rule, unlike the leaders of other ghettos, was marked with physical liquidation of political opponents. He and his council had a comfortable food ration and their own special shops. He was known to get rid of those he personally disliked by sending them to the camps. Additionally, he sexually abused vulnerable girls under his charge. Failure to submit to him meant death to the girl.
Henric Streitman
Henric Streitman – Jewish collaborator of the military-fascist dictatorship of Ion Antonescu during World War II and president of the Central Jewish Office, the Romanian equivalent of the Judenrat, capable of assisting in the enforcement of the deportation of Jews to camps.
Streitman was a friend of Veturia Goga, who was also Antonescu’s friend. The Central Jewish Office was afforded some recognition by the Union of Romanian Jews, whose leader Wilhelm Filderman allowed colleague David “Dadu” Rosenkranz to head the Office’s Section of Professional Reeducation.
Streitman left most administrative work to his second-in-command, Nandor Gingold, a Jewish medical doctor. Streitman served in the Central Jewish Office between February and December 1942, being succeeded by Gingold. Gingold subsequently included Streitman and Brucăr, alongside banker Aristide Blank, on a list of Jewish hostages; according to Brucăr. His last years brought his return to “activism”, this time as a Revisionist Zionist, working for a massive Jewish resettlement in British Palestine.
Ignatius Trebitsch-Lincoln (Abraham Schwarz) |
Ignatius Trebitsch-Lincoln (Abraham Schwarz) – Jewish collaborator of the Nazis who helped fund the Nazi Party and the Völkischer Beobachter (“People’s Observer”), the official daily newspaper of the Nazi Party.
Hans Albers – Jewish actor who was the most popular male movie star in Germany during the Nazi regime. During the Nazi era, Albers was in a relationship with Jewish actor Hansi Burg, whom he had met in Berlin before 1933, and which only ended upon Albers’ death in 1960.
Francisco Franco
Franco’s second last name was Bahamonde. Many Spaniards, especially those from Southern Spain (Franco’s father was from Andalusia), have Jewish blood. Contrary to what the Jews claim, many Jews stayed in Spain and converted to Christianity during the Inquisition in 1492; only a minority left. Hooked nose aside, it’s safe to say Franco’s ancestors would have included Jews.
Benito Mussolini
The evidence is plentiful that Mussolini and the Fascist movement were funded by Jews, and that many prominent Fascists under Mussolini’s rule were Jewish. Mussolini openly associated with Jews, and had Jewish mistresses, Jewish political advisers, and Jewish financiers. He had various affairs with the Jewish author and academic Margherita Sarfatti, who was called the “Jewish Mother of Fascism”. Mussolini refused to distinguish between Italians from the Northern regions and Italians from the South of the peninsula, who differ significantly in racial constitution. Indeed, Mussolini refused to recognize racial differences at all. This ought not to surprise anyone once he realizes that Mussolini himself was a Jew.
Mussolini said that Fascism would never be opposed to Jews. In an article he wrote, he stated, “Italy knows no antisemitism and we believe that it will never know it,” and then elaborated, “let us hope that Italian Jews will continue to be sensible enough so as not to give rise to antisemitism in the only country where it has never existed.” To the student of Jewish racial history, this all comes as no surprise when considering the fact that Jews have lived in Italy since Ancient times, and many of the so-called Italians from the Southern and South-Central – and even some of the Northern – districts of Italy, are of Jewish blood.
Some of the Jewish propaganda spouted by Mussolini, which is unusually similar to the lies and deception recited by Jewish academics, scholars, “intellectuals”, and so on in more recent times:
“I don’t believe a bit in the stupid anti-Semitic theory.”
“Nothing will ever make me believe that biologically pure races can be shown to exist today.”
In 1929, Mussolini claimed that Jews in Italy had been a demographically small yet culturally integral part of Italian society since Ancient Rome. He further argued that the Jews of Italy had truly become “Italians” or natives to Italy after such a long period on the peninsula.
Ettore Ovazza
Ettore Ovazza – Jewish banker and Fascist. He took part in the March on Rome in October 1922; in 1929 he was invited to meet Mussolini as a part of a delegation of Jewish war veterans. He founded the newspaper La nostra bandiera (“Our Flag”), describing the supposed sacrifices made by Jews for Italy in the Great War. Taking a leading role in the Jewish community in Turin, Ovazza ensured that all the key positions were held by Fascist supporters. When Mussolini invaded Abyssinia, he immediately volunteered for service, an offer that was turned down probably due to his age (43). Ovazza was rewarded for his patriotism. In 1935 he was honored for his contribution to the colony of Libya and in the following year was invited at the honor guard at the tomb of the royal family in Superga (Turin).
In 1938, when a series of “antisemitic” laws in Italy were passed, many Jews converted to Catholicism or emigrated abroad.
Guido Jung
Guido Jung – Jewish banker and merchant who later converted to Catholicism. Jung was a member of the Grand Council of Fascism and served as Italian Minister of Finance from 1932-35 under Benito Mussolini. Jung was an important player in international finance during the interwar period, leading Italian negotiations with the United States over tariff questions, heading Italo-German economic talks with Hermann Goering, and representing Italy at the London Economic Conference during which he was heralded in press reports for his diplomatic tact.
Jung, who in 1922 had served as financial attache at the Italian embassy in Washington, D.C., was elevated to the Grand Council of Fascism in the summer of 1932 by virtue of his appointment as Minister of Finance. Prime Minister Benito Mussolini reasoned that “a Jew should be at the head of finance”.
During an official visit by Goering to Italy, Mussolini assigned Jung to meet with the German minister, prompting David Schwartz of the Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle to write that “it must have been a lesson in tolerance”.
In May 1933, he represented Italy to the United States during tariff discussions and was feted with an official dinner at the White House by President of the United States Franklin Roosevelt.
In a subsequent meeting with Mussolini, U.S. ambassador John W. Garrett reported that Mussolini “was very gratified at the cordiality of Jung’s reception in America”.
As minister, Jung helped establish the Istituto per la Ricostruzione Industriale. He was also the Italian delegate to the London Economic Conference and was credited in news reports with “keeping the conflicting elements of the parley from completely disrupting the conference”.
As a key member of Mussolini’s Fascist regime, Jung declared that Italy was free of “antisemitism”.
Oswald Mosley
Oswald Mosley – Jewish founder and leader of the British Union of Fascists.
Ante Pavelic
Ante Pavelic – Jewish dictator of Croatia who founded and led the fascist nationalist organization known as the Ustaše is 1929 and governed the Independent State of Croatia, a fascist puppet state built out of parts of Yugoslavia by Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, from 1941 to 1945. In 1922, Pavelic married Maria Lovrencevic, who was also Jewish; they would have three children together.
Léon Degrelle
Léon Degrelle – Jewish Nazi sympathizer who was one of the most prominent supporters of Nazi Germany in Belgium.
Cornelis van Geelkerken |
Cornelis van Geelkerken – Jewish fascist who was co-founder, with Anton Mussert, of the National Socialist Movement in the Netherlands (NSB) in 1931. Under the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands, it remained the only legal political party during most of the Second World War.
Joseph Stalin (real name: Dzhugashvili)
The whole “Allies vs. Axis” contest during World War II was just more Jewish trickery. Jews supported both sides of the war.
Franklin Roosevelt (Rosenfelt)
Winston Churchill
Dwight David Eisenhower
The middle name is certainly a clue. Besides this, a government’s biggest line of defense is its military. Naturally, the Jews would infiltrate the military to get non-Jews into fighting against the wrong people. Many are very ignorant about the Jews’ motives when their kind joins the military. These dishonorable fiends’ onslaught and deception have to be put to a blockade.
Prescott Bush
Bush helped fund the Nazi regime. One of his relatives, George Bush, was a Hebrew scholar.
Henry Ford
Henry Ford (?) – you may read about Ford’s collaboration with Jews and Nazi Germany in this article.
Chiune Sugihara
This Jew helped 6,000 of his own kind to Japan. He also played a role in the Jewish slaughter of the best of the non-Jewish populations of East Asia during World War II. If anyone thinks there were no Jews in Japan before and during World War II, this should have them re-consider that belief.
Oswald Pirow |
Oswald Pirow – Jewish politician from South Africa who was a supporter of the Nazi Party.
Julius Evola
Julius Evola – a South Italian Jew who was a fascist and who sympathized with the Nazi Party.
Helene Mayer |
Helene Mayer – Jewish athlete who collaborated with the Nazi regime. Despite her father’s Jewish origins, Mayer accepted an invitation to represent Germany during the 1936 Summer Olympics, which were hosted in Berlin, Nazi Germany, and was awarded a silver medal.
During the Olympic Games, propaganda minister Goebbels required of the Nazi press that “no comments may be made regarding Helene Mayer’s non-Aryan ancestry”. In deference to the Nazi regime, upon receiving her silver medal Mayers gave a “Heil Hitler” salute as the German athletes had done before her.
Moses Hess |
Moses Hess – Jewish philosopher, early communist, and “Zionist advocate”. Hess invented the term “National Socialism”, often abbreviated as Nazism, as early as 1862 in reference to “Jewish nationalism”.
It is conjectured by some that Moses Hess was a forebear of Rudolf Hess, an early and notorious official of the Nazi Party.
It looks as if Gilbert Chesterton was right when he stated that “Hitlerism” was yet another manifestation of “Judaism” (i.e., the Jewish spirit); and that the conception of a “Chosen Race” adopted by Hitler was of Jewish origins; and that, as he says: “if there is one outstanding quality in Hitlerism it is its Hebraism.”
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