1) The Jews – many of them from California – are doing their utmost to promote their ever-multiplying lies about race. On the other hand, the Jews are making real information on race difficult to find. One suspects that many of the “white nationalists”, especially, being secret Jews themselves, are trying to hide this information. The same technology companies which are regardingly disregarding race, are hypocritically directing readers to neo-Nazi sources which are likewise filled with propaganda.
The Jews, and as a consequence, the unthinking masses, seem to think of “Italian” as an apposite term to describe the people of Italy. But any student who has devoted even the sparsest time to studies of the racial composition of Europe knows that the Italian nation hardly represents anything resembling a racial unity. At the least, we must distinguish between the Northern and Southern Italians. Based on their widely divergent histories, the two halves can hardly be confused.
I suspect the reason the north-south divide is hardly mentioned is because the Jews in South Italy are trying to “blend in” with their more intelligent, prosperous Northern Italians. By using “Italian”, the Jews can say, “I’m an Italian! That means my people represent the same people who gave birth to Leonardo, Michelangelo, and Galileo!” Of course, they omit mentioning that these three men, like virtually every other notable Italian, came from the Central and Northern parts of the peninsula.
The Northern Italians are, generally speaking, more akin to the Swiss and South Germans than they are to their southern cohabitants. The South Italians represent a mixture of Mediterranean, Near Eastern, North African, and Negroid stocks closely related to the racial composition of the Jews. Indeed, genetic analyses confirm that the South Italians are, of all Europeans the most closely akin to the Jews.
The Jews in control of Wikipedia and other Jew-owned, California-based sources are hiding this fact by saying that the “Italians” in general are closely related to the Jews, when this association applies mainly to the South Italians. This is not to say that Northern Italy is not filled with Jews either, but mixing with Jews in the North appears to have been comparatively slight.
As the American investigator Lothrop Stoddard says (Racial Realities in Europe, Charles Scribner’s Sons (1924)): “The racial difference between north and south [Italy] is so evident that it strikes even the casual tourist.” Although a significant part of the lack of distinction between North and South Italians may be due to ignorance only, many of the people who are faced with the facts are so incredulous, that one suspects they are either Jews trying to suppress the facts, or extremely obtuse. The gulf separating the North and South Italians is so obvious that one suspects that the Jews and their cohorts are simply trying to hide the evidence from us.
Many persons, both in Italy and abroad, seem to deliberately avoid this issue, or argue that “you can’t generalize because the population of Southern Italy is itself very diverse”. This is, of course, to some extent true – but this does not mean broad statements cannot be made or that the North and the South quite strongly differ from one another racially.
Professor Edward Alsworth Ross describes the gulf separating the North and South Italians in frankness, before Jewish political correctness and propaganda dominated the academic system:
“The Italians themselves have set forth these contrasts in the sharpest relief. In an elaborate treatise, Professor Niceforo shows that blue eyes and fair hair occur twice as often among the North Italians as among the people south of Rome; that their understatured are eight per cent. of the whole as against twenty per cent. for the South Italians; and that they show a greater frequency of high foreheads and a smaller frequency of low brows. They have a third of the illiteracy of the South, twice the school attendance, thrice the number of higher students; and while a clear third of the southern students fail in their examinations, less than a quarter of the northerners fail. Northern Italy is twice as well off in teachers and libraries, five times as productive in book publishing, has twice as many voters to the hundred inhabitants, and buys half as many lottery-tickets as the South. The astonishing dearth of literary and artistic production in the South ought to confound those optimists who, identifying ‘Italian’ with ‘Venetian’ and ‘Tuscan,’ anticipate that the Italian infusion will one day make the American stock bloom with poets and painters. The figures of Niceforo show that the provinces that contribute most to our immigration have been utterly sterile in creators of beauty.” (The Old World in the New, The Century Co. (1914).)
One suspects the Jews in Southern and South-Central Italy are intentionally referring to themselves simply as “Italian” to insinuate themselves into the North and North-Central Italian stock, to increase their influence over the peninsula. If I recall correctly, it was the secret Jew Mussolini and his Fascist movement that was the most important impetus in fostering the idea of a unified “Italian” nationality. I suspect that since his movement occurred, the South Italian Jews have mixed more freely with the North Italians, thus introducing their Jewish genes into another racial group.
The Jews are deliberately tricking people into believing fanciful notions which history and racial science rather thoroughly disprove. Every day, the Jews are trying to hide all this information. Do not let them deceive you on this and countless other problems!
Of course, this is not only an “Italian” problem. This contrast between the North and Southern regions is not unique to “the Boot”. In many countries, a significant racial difference exists between north and south, east and west. Like considerations apply to Germany, for instance. It has long been recognized by unprejudiced observers that the North and South Germans differ substantially in their racial make-up. The obvious differences in appearance and mental outlook found within most countries shows how arbitrary national and ethnic differences are, and that these latter can be quite independent of real, biological differences. I describe this trickery partly to give the reader a feeling for how much the Jews have deceived us and tricked Humanity into accepting them. For instance, very large sections of the populations of Malta, modern Greece, and even France, seem to suffer from the same problem of secret Jews who have mixed extensively with the native populations and imposing their degenerate ideas on these peoples. These nations suffer from the same issue, but probably to a lesser degree.
The “white nationalist” and pro-Nazi views on this and a myriad other racial matters is so ridiculous that one is led to believe they are either stupid, or Jews deliberately promoting lies. For the masses, such ignorance is excusable, but for people claiming to have a special awareness of racial matters, their supposed ignorance on such matters causes a person to wonder. Their lack of understanding of elementary racial facts is so blatant to the real investigator of race that one can only be led to conclude that they are intentionally spreading propaganda. It turns out, many of the “white nationalists” and Nazis (including the contemporary neo-Nazi) are themselves Jewish. It makes sense then for them to promulgate such propaganda.
The observer sees that, among other things, the Jew thrives on the vagueness of his words. Terms like “Aryan”, “Germanic”, “anti-Semite”, “racist”, “white”, “Asian”, “Hispanic” or “Latino”, can hardly be said to have any basis in science or reality. They are sentimental and propagandic labels more than anything else, but that is precisely why the Jews have been so successful in exploiting the masses by their usage.
Every year, the Jews make this sort of information harder to find. As a consequence, they gradually disappear from consideration and common discussion. The Jew-owned, California-based companies are constantly censoring truthful sources and promoting lies, as I have mentioned before. But as they themselves well know, merely suppressing biological and social facts will not make them disappear. They will continue to manifest themselves in the way such phenomena always have. If we look at the “Italian Americans” today, most of them from the Southern half of the peninsula, for example, they have not been “fused” into the Northern European American stock as “common white people”. They have remained intellectually and temperamentally distinct, even if they wear the same clothes and speak the same language, though mixing has perhaps made the differences appear smaller than they were. The Jew-aware Human can only wonder how many Jews are hiding among our populations under such guises.
2) As the Jew-aware Human thinks back to their childhood, what comes to their mind? When the average person thinks back to their childhood, what comes to their mind?
As the Jew-aware person thinks back to their childhood, they think it in terms of their present understanding of Jews, lacking before, and he finds far more Jews in his past than he had recognized then.
Let us use books as an example. I read a fair amount of books as a child. While I cannot remember the contents of most of the books I read as a juvenile, I do recall having mostly pleasant memories of them.
As an adolescent, I was already in the process of becoming Jew-aware. I remember being a stacker in the library when I was in high school in 2015. When I was in the children’s section, I could not ignore the many Jewish-sounding names of the authors.
While one hopes that these Jewish writers will write responsibly and in a respectable manner, looking at the history of the Jews, it seems to be against their nature to do such things. When I think about it now, there is little doubt that with the Jewish invasion of children’s stories, there will be increased degeneracy in the field.
When will Humanity finally rise up against these Jews and their degenerate cohorts, and say, “This is more than enough? Your filth has poisoned countless minds, and you have led Humanity down to its lowest pits.” It is time for us to make a reevaluation of our actions, and our influences, and to replace what is base and false with what is true and what is moral.
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