Tag: film
The Meaning Behind the Joker (2019) Film
(This article was originally written in November 2019.) Jews are again trying to stir trouble and cause sensationalism, this time with a new Joker (2019) movie. The 21st century masses are infatuated with the Jews’ television shows, radio shows, live performance shows, movies, video games, songs, podcasts, “news” and information sites, books, and social…
Looker for Truthbooks, crime, current events, dramatics, education, film, media, psychology, reflections, review, social media, social problems -
Taylor Swift Is a Jew
(This article was originally written in September, 2019.) Taylor Swift is a Jew. How do I know? I do know these pieces of information from which I can infer that she must be a Jew, and not the “all-American” celebrity the Jews claim she is. Swift’s brother, Austin, is a famous actor on obviously Jewish-owned…
Looker for Truth