Tag: Internet
There Are No “Smart” Jews
(This article was posted in June, 2019.) Every day, the Jews are portrayed in public as intelligent and successful, but are they really? Many problems would have been solved if this were the case. On the contrary, Jews are very unintelligent. Jews have not contributed one singular idea to the people. Instead, they plagiarize others’…
Some Reflections – Race and Ethnicity, Huguenots, Jewish Spies and Censorship, and the State of California
1) As Jews dominate the Internet, and as they claim to abhor “racism”, why is it that it is easy to find hundreds, or even thousands of posts targeting or disparaging people of a particular nationality or ethnic group on Google, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, and countless other websites? Although it is true that…
Self-Studying on the Internet
(This article was originally written in October 2019.) You may have noticed that I haven’t posted much to this blog for a while. You might be curious why. Well, this is partly because no ideas for posts have come to mind that I haven’t already discussed in previous articles. I have been spending much time…
Jews Target New Blog
(This post was made in September, 2020 on my previous blog which was censored by the WordPress Jews.) I started this blog just a few days ago. Surprisingly, on the very first day it was opened, I was already receiving comments from someone. The user that left the comments stated that there were many things…
Jewish Propaganda – Fritz Lenz, Dictionaries and Ableism, and Antisemitic America
(This article was originally written in August, 2021.) 1) Kenneth Ludmerer The Jewish physician Kenneth Ludmerer, in his book Genetics and American Society (1972) asserts that the German geneticist Fritz Lenz was “an outright anti-Semite”. To any honest student who has studied Lenz’s main work, Human Heredity, in which the Jewish psyche is studied in…
Jewish Propaganda – Eugen Fischer, Arleen Tuchman, Boas, “Aryans”, and Edward Drinker Cope
(This article was originally written in November, 2020.) Today, I am starting a new series of compilations concerning recently noted or newly found instances of Jewish propaganda. Since the frequency with which I come across such occurrences will make it very difficult for me to record them all, an attempt will be made here to…