Tag: Nazism
California – the New Nazi Germany
Today, I write of things which the Jews are trying their very best to hide from Humanity. Indeed, no mention of it by a Human (non-Jew) has, to my knowledge, ever been made until now. I believe this is due mainly to three things: 1) The masses are unthinking, and subsequently, the number of truly…
Who Is a Jew? – Joe Biden, Mike King, and Hans Krebs
Joe Biden Yes, Biden, the 2020 United States presidential candidate for the Democratic Party is a Jew. Probably no person can get Biden’s political power and his fame without being a Jew. Possibly, most of the Presidents of the United States have been Jews, and almost all politicians in America today, from city mayor to…
Who Is a Jew? – Alain de Benoist, Greg Johnson, and Hanns Johst
(This article was originally written in October, 2020.) Alain de Benoist De Benoist is a leader of the “White nationalist” movement in France. His face is so unmistakably Jewish that it’s pathetic how an obvious Jew like de Benoist could attain such success in having the masses believe that he would support any cause other…