Tag: politics
List of Jewish Deceivers
Damage Control is Euphemistically deceiving the public. There are numerous sites that list Jewish deceivers, but I will list every Jewish damage controller and deceiver that I know of. It’s already well-established that the Jews control the mainstream media, but not that they control the alternate media. The Jews control almost all of the alternate…
Jewish Presidents
Many thought that Obama was the first Jewish president of the United States; however, based on my racial examinations, I have concluded that 23 (possibly 24) of the 46 Presidents of the United States have most likely had Jewish ancestry. That’s half of all presidents of the US that have been Jews. One can look…
How to Recognize a Jew
All Delinquents, Defectives, and Degenerates are either Jews or open supporters of the Jews, many of them being secret Jews. The first part of this article describes mainly the physical traits of the Jews. Few of these physical traits can be called exclusively, or almost exclusively “Jewish”; therefore, the author makes no greater claim than…
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