Tag: reflections
Near Eastern and Arab, Mediterranean, and Jewish Eyelids
Lafcadio Hearn, a scholar of Irish and Greek nationality, presents a very distinctive example of the type of upper eyelids characteristic of the Near Eastern “Armenoid” race, one of the fundamental racial stocks (the other stock being the Araboid) of the Jewish people. The source of the Near Eastern strain can presumably be traced back…
Jews Target New Blog
(This post was made in September, 2020 on my previous blog which was censored by the WordPress Jews.) I started this blog just a few days ago. Surprisingly, on the very first day it was opened, I was already receiving comments from someone. The user that left the comments stated that there were many things…
Jews – Far More Than Two Percent of the Population
(This article was originally written in July, 2019.) We are told that Jews comprise a meager 0.2 percent of the world’s population, and only two percent of the population of the United States. This is often repeated by people who supposedly are aware of the Jewish Problem to highlight the disproportionate amount of power the…
Jewish Propaganda – Fritz Lenz, Dictionaries and Ableism, and Antisemitic America
(This article was originally written in August, 2021.) 1) Kenneth Ludmerer The Jewish physician Kenneth Ludmerer, in his book Genetics and American Society (1972) asserts that the German geneticist Fritz Lenz was “an outright anti-Semite”. To any honest student who has studied Lenz’s main work, Human Heredity, in which the Jewish psyche is studied in…
Jewish Propaganda – Erwin Baur, William Shockley and IQ, and the Oxford Family Encyclopedia
(This article was originally written on February 13, 2021.) Erwin Baur 1) Erwin Baur was the leading German geneticist from the 1910s to his rather early death in 1933, at the age of 58. In 1921, Baur, together with Eugen Fischer and Fritz Lenz, published a textbook titled Menschliche Erblichkeitslehre und Rassenhygiene, which became a…