Tag: reflections
Jewish Propaganda – English Physics, Robert Chambers, Norman Haire, the Rehoboth Bastards, “Caucasians”, and Amazon
(This article was originally written in January, 2021.) Philipp Lenard 1) On the German physicist Philipp Lenard’s Wikipedia article, the Jews make the wild claim that “Lenard is remembered today as a strong German nationalist who despised ‘English physics’, which he considered to have stolen its ideas from Germany.” I believe a simple statistical analysis…
Jewish Propaganda – Race and People, Scientific Racism, Madison Grant, Mental Illness and Genius, Applied Science, Gender Pronouns, and Media Morality
(This article was originally written in May, 2021.) 1) Popular historian Stefan Ihrig (of Jewish descent) in the book Justifying Genocide: Germany and the Armenians From Bismarck to Hitler (2016) mentions the physical and mental connections noted by anthropologists between the Jews and the Armenians and other Near Eastern peoples. In his book, Ihrig cites…
Internet Archive Suppressing Content
(This article was originally written in August, 2021.) How many people have a clue, as to the manifest extent of influence the Jews have over the affairs of man, which includes their domination of the Internet? These subverters, deceivers, liars, these exploiters, agitators, and corrupters, are constantly trying to get human races and other groups…
How Did You Become Aware?
(This article was originally written in June, 2020. It has been somewhat modified during the intervening period. Some of the statements may need further revision. More posts will have to be made for a more thorough analysis of the ideas expressed below.) How did you become Jew-aware? How did it start for you? Here I…
Hitler and the Jewish Transfer Agreement
(This article was originally written in November 2019.) Yesterday, I posted a video on YouTube about the Transfer Agreement (1933) which occurred between Jews and the so-called National Socialists during Hitler’s regime. The intention of this agreement was to transfer the Jews to Palestine, with all of their wealth intact, with full diplomatic procedures, and…
Some Reflections – Harry Potter
(This article was originally written in August, 2020.) It was not long ago when I was watching the Harry Potter films, and no great period of time has passed since I had taken an ingenuous pleasure viewing them. The leading character of the series, Harry Potter, was played by Daniel Radcliffe. Radcliffe is of half-Jewish…