Tag: social problems
Trump and Biden Are Not the Only Secret Jews
(This article was originally written in September 2020.) Many of you must know that a debate between Trump and Biden occurred on Tuesday, September 29, 2020, with the Jew Chris Wallace, whose father, Mike Wallace, was also a news commentator, acting as the moderator. The moderator was not the only Jew in this debate. How…
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The Profound Arrogance of Parents Today
(This article was originally written in September, 2019.) Is it just me, or do the best of us realize how arrogant the average parent today is? (September 18, 2023: Interestingly, I have especially noticed this tendency in mothers.) Parents today ridiculously act as if their child is the most important person on the planet. Tell…
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The Meaning Behind the Joker (2019) Film
(This article was originally written in November 2019.) Jews are again trying to stir trouble and cause sensationalism, this time with a new Joker (2019) movie. The 21st century masses are infatuated with the Jews’ television shows, radio shows, live performance shows, movies, video games, songs, podcasts, “news” and information sites, books, and social…
Looker for Truthbooks, crime, current events, dramatics, education, film, media, psychology, reflections, review, social media, social problems -
Television – The Magic Spell
(This article was originally written in April, 2020.) The television, as you probably know, is a major medium through which the Jews are promoting their filthy propaganda. However, the Jews did not invent the television – they have simply subverted it. Of course, the Jews control not just the television, but all media; and by…
Taylor Swift Is a Jew
(This article was originally written in September, 2019.) Taylor Swift is a Jew. How do I know? I do know these pieces of information from which I can infer that she must be a Jew, and not the “all-American” celebrity the Jews claim she is. Swift’s brother, Austin, is a famous actor on obviously Jewish-owned…
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Some Reflections – Costa Rica Jews, Mexican Indians, Arab Scholars, Internet Suppression and Propaganda, and the SAT
1) It is said that Costa Rica is the most successful republic of Central America, and that the happiness of its citizens exceeds that of other Central American nations. I was, therefore, surprised to read that the Costa Ricans are distinguished by their possessing a sizable Jewish ancestry in their population. According to the Wikipedia…
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Jews Use IQ as a Trick
(This article was originally written in December 2019, since which my views on IQ and especially those who have conducted research on intelligence and psychometrics have somewhat changed, even if a good deal of what is stated below remains, in my opinion, rather sensible. My opinion still holds of the “IQ” concept and its associated…
Looker for Truthbooks, education, history, intelligence, journals, media, morals, Nazism, politics, psychology, social problems, white nationalism